Page 121 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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RUBBER AND BEYOND, DRIVING OUR FUTURE The programme offers a plug-and-play solution
through which shortlisted candidates are linked up with
Sumitomo Rubber South Africa (Pty) Ltd (SRSA) is a recommended funders to apply for total funding to set
leading local tyre manufacturer and distributor of the up their own Dunlop Fitment Centres, and to become
Dunlop, Falken and Sumitomo tyre ranges in SA and into part of a growing network of over 80 Dunlop Container
the African continent. SRSA is a subsidiary of Sumitomo outlets employing around 400 people across the country.
Rubber Industries Ltd (SRI), which is headquartered in In addition, the company has opened the Dunlop
Kobe, Japan. Westville Retail centre, which serves as a hub for technical
Proudly rooted in KwaZulu-Natal with its Head Office and training expertise for the broader tyre retail industry.
in Durban and a manufacturing facility in Ladysmith, Taking Mzansi confidence on the road
Northern KwaZulu-Natal, the company has regional Understanding the hazards that South Africans face
branches in Johannesburg, Bloemfontein, East London, when out on the roads, and the frustration that comes
Gqeberha and Cape Town, with 1535 staff nationally. when you have unexpected costs, SRSA created a unique,
SRSA’s strong local market presence is largely first of its kind tyre insurance. They innovated the tyre
attributed to the Dunlop brand and heritage as the industry by being the only tyre manufacturer to offer
first tyre manufacturer in South Africa. Supported tyre replacement - without any costs - for tread already
by 89 years of local manufacturing excellence and a used if your tyre cannot be repaired. Dunlop Sure’s Tyre
loyal customer base, SRSA is committed to producing Insurance is offered FREE for 12 months and covers all
safety-tested local tyres for local conditions, offering road hazards and is available at any Dunlop-branded
end users peace of mind when purchasing these dealership (Zone, Commercial, Express, and Container) in
critical components of a vehicle. South Africa.
At present, one-in-five vehicles on South African roads are A business philosophy that is committed to”
fitted with locally produced Dunlop tyres, and buoyed through innovation, we will create a future of joy
by the confidence in the brand, the tyre manufacturer and well-being for all.”
has forged ahead with a multi-billion rand investment The philosophy of Sumitomo Rubber Industries (SRI)
project backed by its international parent company, - passed down over 400 years – is to be a reliable and
Sumitomo Rubber Industries (SRI). This investment is set trusted global corporate group that enriches people’s
to boost local tyre production capacity as more Original lives through the creation of new value, while pursuing
Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) look to domestic tyre greater happiness for employees, communities and
producers to meet their vehicle specifications. Dunlop society at large.
holds approximately 20% of the local OE market and
has agreements in place with Toyota, Nissan, Isuzu, Hino, Skills development of their employees remains a priority
Tata, Scania, and UD Trucks. for its company’s development and transformation
agenda. SRSA operates an on-site training facility in
SRSA continues to grow nationally and across the Ladysmith where employees receive training sessions all
continent, with a strong market share in Africa with a year round.
branded presence in 23 African countries, supplying
passenger car, LTR, TBR and SUV tyre markets to Nigeria, As a one of the largest employers of the Ladysmith
Ivory Coast, Kenya and neighbouring countries Zambia community and surrounds, SRSA is compelled by
and Zimbabwe. their duty to ensure they play a role in developing the
community beyond job creation and boosting the
The Dunlop dealer network local community. For fifty years, they’ve supported
SRSA offers innovative sales channels and development the community through CSI initiatives and skills deve-
opportunities for entrepreneurs in the automotive lopment programmes, and play an active role in
retail market, from application to installation process. developing a thriving self-sustaining community of
They support Dunlop branded retail outlets to take Ladysmith by engaging with the local business chamber
their businesses to the next level, from entry-level and community forums.
enterprises serving the man-in-the-street, to fully- Sustainability
fledged businesses that can support the taxi industry
and government departments. Presently, there are SRI have set ‘GENKI’ Sustainability Activity Guidelines to
approximately 300 Dunlop stores in SA and 120 in Africa. achieve carbon net zero by 2050. The ‘GENKI’ Sustain-
ability Activity Guidelines consist of Governance, Eco-
Dunlop Business-in-a-Box logy, Next-Generation Products & Solutions, Kindness,
Driven by the desire to empower young entrepreneurs and Integrity for society.
and create employment opportunities in local commu- SRSA has, at its various premises, implemented energy
nities, the company launched the Dunlop Business in a efficient lighting, sustainable sourcing, recycling, water
Box concept as an extension of their Dunlop Container conservation, waste management, and various initiatives
store project. supporting its drive towards net zero. 119