Page 13 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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Economy to become a premier business and trade hub. The
KwaZulu-Natal is the second largest contributor to Dube TradePort is the only facility in Africa that brings
the economy of the country, generating a percentage together an international airport, a cargo terminal,
share of national GDP of 15.9 per cent after Gauteng warehousing, offices, a retail sector, hotels, and an
with a percentage share of GDP of 33.1 per cent. agricultural area.
Economic Sectors The RBIDZ is a purpose built and secure industrial
The province offers a competitive advantage in estate on the north-eastern South African coast. The
manufacturing, transport, storage and communi- N2 business corridor links the province’s two major
cations, as well as finance and business services. It is ports, Durban and Richards Bay, and connects with
well positioned in agriculture, forestry and fishing, Maputo in Mozambique and, ultimately, areas of
agricultural resource-intensive manufacturing and East Africa.
in the tourism and accommodation sectors. Tourism
Economic activity is concentrated in the metropolitan KwaZulu-Natal is a key tourist destination with many
areas of Durban, Pietermaritzburg and Richards natural advantages including the scenic beauty,
Bay, with the coastal belts utilised for sugar cane biodiversity and its unique cultural diversity. The
plantations and sub-tropical fruit and vegetables. tourist attractions include stunning mountainous
The development of an automotive supply park in areas, wildlife reserves (with big five animals – lion,
the South of Durban is envisaged to stimulate the elephant, buffalo, leopard, rhino) and beautiful
automotive sector and work is underway to develop beaches washed by the warm Indian Ocean.
a Clothing & Textile SEZ in the province. The province boasts the iconic Moses Mabhida
Special Economic Zones Stadium and two World Heritage Sites in the form
of the Drakensberg Mountains and the Isimangaliso
KwaZulu-Natal boasts two industrial zones, namely:
Dube TradePort and Richards Bay Industrial Develop- Wetland Park.
ment Zone (RBIDZ). Lifestyle
The Dube TradePort is home to King Shaka KwaZulu-Natal comprises diverse people, a mixture of
International Airport which forms the heart of the first cultures, a relaxed coastal lifestyle with all necessary
purpose-built aerotropolis in Africa and is destined amenities and a business-friendly environment.
Photograph by, Ojas Narappanawar 11