Page 15 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 15

                                                 PROVINCIAL OVERVIEW

          KWAZULU-NATAL STRONGER THAN BEFORE   Speaking at a recent business leadership panel
                                             discussion hosted Investec Toyota South Africa
                                             vice president and immediate past president of the
                              Grant Adlam, Chief   Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nigel
                              Executive Officer   Ward, said the Covid-19 pandemic, July 2021 civil
                              and Publisher of the   unrest and April 2022 floods had instilled resilience
                              KwaZulu-Natal Top   and united the people of the province.
                              Business Portfolio
                                             “I think the three crises made the province stronger
                                             and that’s quite ironic, because there’s been a lot
                              The last few years   of sorrow as we’ve gone through those three big
                              have been especially   events. But each one has made us stronger for the
                              difficult for KwaZulu-  next one,” he said.
                              Natal with a series of
                              disasters — the onset   KwaZulu-Natal plays a significant role in South Africa’s
                              of Covid-19, followed   economy and is the second largest contributor to the
               Publisher / CEO:
                Grant Adlam   by the unrest in   country’s economy. The province contributed 15.9%
                              July  2021,  and  the   to the national provincial gross domestic product
          floods in 2022.  However, despite these challenges,   (GDP), second to Gauteng’s share of 33.1% (STATSSA
          businesses in the province have not only found the   October 2023). The provincial economy grew by 2.7%
          means to survive but also to flourish.  in 2022 and is expected to grow by 1.7% in 2023.

             Gauteng Province is the largest economy, contributing 33,3% to national GDP Percentage
             contribution to South African GDP in 2022 (Total: R6,6trillion)

                                    KwaZulu-Natal    Mpumalanga    Limpopo

                    33,1%                               Eastern Cape
                                                           7,6%       Free
                                     Western Cape
                                                        North West  Northern
                                                           6,6%       Cape
             Current prices      Source: Provincial  gross domestic product: experimental estimates, 2013-2022. Discussion document (D0441.1)
          Source STATS SA October 2023

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