Page 16 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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OVERVIEW OF ECONOMIC SECTORS projects, notably those that use biomass (sugar and
The province’s lead economic sectors are personal forestry industries).
services, finance, manufacturing, trade, transport, and In a move to tap into the potential of the cannabis
government followed by agriculture, construction and hemp industry, the KwaZulu-Natal government,
and mining. under the leadership of Premier Nomusa Dube-
Ncube, initiated its inaugural Cannabis Conference &
KWAZULU-NATAL (KZN) Expo in October 2023 to capacitate local farmers and
bolster the province’s economy.
Personal Services 21%
A significant highlight of the conference was the
Finance 19% issue of permits to 644 hemp and cannabis farmers
registered in the database of the KwaZulu-Natal
Manufacturing 16%
Department of Agriculture and Land Reform.
Trade 13%
Tranport 10% SECTOR
Government 8% The services sector comprises the following community,
social and personal services industry activities:
Other 13%
Source STATS SA October 2023: Health and Social Work
Sewage and Refuse Disposal, Sanitation and
In 2022, KwaZulu-Natal was the largest contributor of Activities Of Membership Organisations
the South African provinces and accounted for 25,8% Recreational, Cultural And Sporting Activities
of the country’s total agriculture, hunting, forestry Households
and fishing industry, however this sector’s direct Non-Profit Institutions
contribution to the province’s GDP is small. Informal
Although the province covers a small portion of Spotlight on Investment in Education
South Africa’s land area, a significant percentage of Currently education provision in the provision is very
the country’s small-scale farmers are based here. unequal. However, education has a pivotal role to play
The agricultural sector is a catalyst in creating in the economy both in terms of its provision and in
downstream business and employment opportunities the upliftment of its people.
within several manufacturing sectors such as food,
beverages and wood and paper industries that are South Africa’s maritime sector generates billions of
very important for the provincial economy through Rands in earnings each year, promoting economic
employment and export activities. growth and the creation of jobs in the country.
Consequently, the construction of the Maritime
The midlands area between Pietermaritzburg and the School of Excellence in 41 Somtseu Road, in eThekwini
Drakensberg has a concentration of vegetable, dairy Municipality, close to the largest port in Africa is a big
and stock-farms. step forward.
The coastal belt yields bananas, mangoes, pineapples The flagship project, which is due for completion
and other tropical fruit. The KwaZulu-Natal coastal in March 2024, is funded by the KwaZulu-Natal
regions are also fast establishing themselves as the Department of Education and implemented by the
best in the world to grow macadamia trees with much Development Bank of Southern Africa. The architecture
potential for growth in the macadamia nut industry. is the work of GIARC Designs (Pty) Ltd, and construction
Forestry in the areas around Vryheid, Eshowe, is being carried out by GVK-Siya Zama. The project has
Richmond, Harding and Ngome is another major maximised local employment and procurement, and
source of income, the largest forest owners being will therefore not only benefit future learners, but is
Sappi and Mondi. creating employment for local labour and contractors.
The KwaZulu-Natal sugar industry is an important Ryan Schneeberger, Production Director at GVK-
contributor to the economy, which is characterised by Siya Zama in KZN, says, “The opportunity to build
high employment and linkages with major suppliers, an educational building in South Africa is always
support industries and customers. inspiring, given the desperate need to uplift our youth
and indirectly assist in the long-term reduction of
Agriculture also offers potential for renewable energy youth unemployment. This particular project has the