Page 18 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 18

entrepreneurs to promote self-sustainability and job   of the country’s manufacturing jobs.
       creation. The development has since been included   KwaZulu-Natal is a significant producer of vehicles
       in the South African Economic Reconstruction and   and components
       Recovery Plan.
                                          Recent investments
       Renishaw Coastal Precinct is a 25-hectare mature
       lifestyle village that forms the first development   Recent investments in the manufacturing sector
       within  1  300-ha  Renishaw  Coastal  Precinct,  with   include Wilma Palm Oil with an investment of R1.3
       R500m spent to date, and an estimated R15 billion   billion in the Wilmar Processing plant which will
       upon completion.                   produce cooking oil, mayonnaise and margarine for
                                          domestic consumption and export.
       After  Gauteng,  KwaZulu-Natal’s  diversified  Nyanza Light, a chemical company investing R4, 3
                                          billion has completed Phase 1 of its project, a Product
       manufacturing sector is the second largest in   Testing and Development Centre (PTDC), which is
       the country with almost 19.1 % of South Africa’s   currently testing the product and co-developing
       manufactured exports produced in the province.
                                          different paint formulations based on Nyanza’s
       Industrial development is the anchor of the KwaZulu-  pigment quality.
       Natal economy and its growth is fundamental to   Futurelife, which is 100% owned by Pepsico, is
       the creation of employment opportunities that   ranked amongst the 500 top companies globally. The
       will contribute to inclusive economic growth in the   company  has  recently  unveiled  its  new  R75  million
                                          facility located at the DubeTrade Zone.  The facility
       The top five manufacturing industries in the province,  currently employs 196 staff and is expected to create
       in terms of employment, are clothing, textiles and   more employment opportunities as it expands.
       footwear; food and beverages; basic iron, steel and   This state-of-the-art facility will not only boost the
       metal products; chemicals and plastic; and paper and   economy, but it has created hope for a better future
       publishing.                        for neighbouring communities.
       The Durban South Basin is a key manufacturing and  What is critical is that Futurelife procures 88% of its
       industrial zone of the city, contributing a major part of   raw materials within South Africa. These raw materials
       Durban’s Gross Domestic Product and providing 10%   include maize, soya, sugar, rice, and bran.

       Futurelife managing director & partner Mark Bunn, KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs Siboniso Duma
       and SA PepsiCo CEO at Riaan Heyl cutting the ribbon to mark the launch of Futurelife factory at the Dube Tradeport

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