Page 53 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 53

         Dolphin Coast Solar Solutions was founded in 2022 by
         Isabeau Du Preez with a vision to promote awareness
         of sustainable energy practices and highlight the
         numerous advantages of transitioning to solar power.
         Speaking of her motivation to start the company she
         says,  “I  started  the  company  because  I  like  to  find
         solutions. Obviously, we’re all in the same position with
         load shedding. We all have the same problems and I’m
         there to help you to find a solution.”
         Therefore,  the  company  is  dedicated  to  providing
         adequately sized, professionally designed and installed
         photovoltaic systems in KwaZulu-Natal and all of South
         Africa.  Their passion is to grow the awareness of solar
         energy and how you can benefit from it.
         The field of solar technology is complex and advancing
         daily. Isabeau’s approach involves educating her clients
         about products,  their warranties, and the importance
         of choosing the right solution – which may not be the
         cheapest. It’s about offering comprehensive, sustainable
         energy solutions and  guiding her clients to make an
         informed  choice.  “For  me,  it’s  not  just  about  putting     ƒ Environmental Benefits: Clean, renewable and
         a system on your roof. Research, ask questions and      emission free.
         educate. That’s what I do,” said Isabeau.
                                             After-Services and Maintenance
         In addition, Isabeau is inspired to make a difference, not   Dolphin Coast Solar Solutions provides professional
         just only in her community, but globally as well. She
         believes that as solar energy is clean and sustainable,   after-services and maintenance on your solution. The
         its use can make a massive difference to our planet. A   company understands that your solution is only as
         such her company is committed to promoting energy   good as its after-services support. That’s why they offer
         independence with the installation of solar systems in   comprehensive maintenance and after-services plans
         the communities in which they operate.   to protect your investment and keep your solution up-
                                             Isabeau has built invaluable relationships and
            ƒ Super-efficient solar power system design and    connections with her clients, which go beyond a
            installation services. The company takes    typical business-customer relationship and believes
            exceptional pride in all their work from       in building a long-trusted relationship with you. She
            preliminary design through permitting,    commented, “I literally see the business as my baby, and
            installation, and final inspection.  I have grown with my business. I’ve built connections
            ƒ Solar Installations: They can provide you a    with my clients and it’s a very rewarding job to have.”
            solution for your home or business. Rest easy
            knowing that you have backup.    Accolades
            ƒ Solar Geysers: Save money by getting your solar    In 2023 Dolphin Coast Solar Solutions received acclaim
             geyser and have hot water during power outages.  as the Best in Ballito for solar installations. In addition,
                                             Isabeau earned a nomination as one of KwaZulu-Natal’s
         Advantages                          Top Business Women.
         Unleashing the power of the sun though a solar   The company’s standing is further reinforced by the
         installation comes with a number of advantages. These   resounding endorsements from their highly satisfied
                                             clients who consistently recommend their services.
            ƒ Cost Saving: Financial returns and saving on    This recognition underscores their commitment to
            monthly utility bills.           excellence in the solar solutions industry and is a
            ƒ Increased Home Value: Solar panels are viewed    testament to the leadership and dedication of Isabeau.
            as upgrades and renovations.     They  are honoured by these  accolades  and remain
            ƒ Unlimited Sun: It’s free and unlimited. The earth    steadfast in their commitment to providing top-tier
            gets a 174 Petwatts of incoming solar radiation.  services to their valued clients.

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