Page 54 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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                                          Operational Director: Colette Tanner
                                          EoR Services Manager: Youshi Naidoo
                                          Financial Manager: Andrew Kruger
                                          HR Best Practice Manager: Nikita Pillay
                                          Payroll Manager: Colette Tanner
                                          Payroll Administrator: Mbuso Hlangu
                                          Payroll Administrator: Maryann Franke
                                          HR: Stephanie Munsamy
                                          HR: Thembeka Ngidi
              CEO:         Operations Director:   Administration Manager: Lindiwe Bhadi
            David White      Colette Tanner  Financial Administrator: Chrisanne Chetty
                                          Head Housekeeping: Angel Mtebele
       Full Name of Company: DRG Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd
       Nature of Business: Total Solutions HR Company  CONTACT DETAILS
       Date Established: 1996             Physical Address: 12 Braehead, 1 Old Main Road, Kloof,
       B-BBEE Status: Level 4 Contributor  3610, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
                                          Tel: +27 (0)31 767 0625
       OUR CORE TEAM                      E-mail:
       Chief Executive Officer: David White  Website:

       RICH IN PASSION AND PURPOSE        DRG, DRG Siyaya and BusinessFit SA are three recognis-
                                          able brands in KwaZulu-Natal, and have over the past
       DRG Outsourcing, established in 1996, is now in its 27th   years consistently been voted as one of the top 20
       year of operation. David White, founder and CEO always  best known and supported brands in KwaZulu-Natal.
       says, “We employ staff for character first, as although  The DRG Group brands are always grouped together
       skill and experience are important, these attributes  in initiatives as their combined influence provides a
       can be learned, while individual character and purpose  considerable impact in helping  entrepreneurs and
       are generally established long before an employment  business leaders meet administrative, compliance and
       engagement commences.  We want our staff and teams  reporting responsibilities, while also helping to build
       to feel that sense of purpose, passion, and common  confidence through human capital development and
       alignment in their work.”          business knowledge/understanding transfer.
       David continues, “Our passion for people and business  Each of the DRG Group companies are rich in passion
       development must translate into direct value to our  and purpose and provide the following human resource
       clients. There must be a synergistic meeting point  and business development services:
       between our service offer and our client’s specific needs.
       The outcome of our interventions must significantly   DRG Outsourcing, a 16% Black Owned Company:
       improve the current state of our clients business  ƒ Providing Employer of Record services to organi-

       operations, their sustainability, and their staffing     sations from across the world who want to ensure
       engagement practices.”                that their staff employed in South Africa and Africa
                                             are engaged correctly, and are compliant in terms
       The DRG Group is made up of three contributing
       business entities.  Each business operates autonomously,      of local labour law legislation, employee tax and
       however, holds fast to the theme of contribution to      receiver of revenue compliance and administrative
       stakeholders, meeting governance and legislative      requirements, and in meeting social security
       reporting requirements, supporting communities and      contributions.

       social challenges, aiding environmental repair and  ƒ DRG Outsourcing’s international focus and
       maintenance, and building economic empowerment     services draw foreign currency into South Africa
       confidence through reflecting a positive and engaging     each year, and contributes significantly to SARS
       image of success and sustainability.     in employee and company taxes.
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