Page 57 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 57
HUMAN RESOURCE AND COMPLIANCE There are many entrepreneurs that simply have
SERVICES not capitalised upon the value that their staff, their
human capital asset, to support the growth and
sustainability of their businesses.
DRG Siyaya has a Level 2 B-BBEE Status, and is a 52%
Black women owned company, focused on human DRG Siyaya aims, through our franchisees, to
resource management. Originally established in expand efficient and effective human resource
2006, DRG Siyaya was one of the first wave SANAS management services in helping entrepreneurs and
accredited B-BBEE verification companies in South business leaders introduce best practice into their
Africa. After seven years of providing these services, operations to grow their businesses into sustainable
they decided to focus on helping to provide human organisations.
resource (HR) solutions – rather than measuring Advantages Offered
retrospective contributions to black economic
empowerment. DRG Siyaya is also positioned to provide access to
competency and behavioural assessment tools to
DRG Siyaya became the first human resource (HR) assist business leaders in developing an effective
advisory franchise operation. leadership style and cohesive teams. These tools are
DRG Siyaya in its 18 years of operation continues to also used to determine the “right fit” when trying to
provide high levels of administrative, compliance recruit the most ideal candidates.
and engagement HR service to small, medium, and Further, DRG Siyaya offers DRG Online, an HR app
large organisations. helping companies to coordinate HR transactions
Services Provided with team members. This app provides employees
with ‘HR on their phone’, and helps companies
DRG Siyaya provides all services in the scope of HR
and compliance, such as: coordinate all leave types as a core activity – the
process of requesting leave, approving leave by
Payroll management and third-party payments managers, and uploading of supporting documents,
Employment equity reporting like sick notes. The app also allows for employers
Skills development reporting (WSP / ATR) to post payslips, IRP5s, contracts of employment,
Helping companies create productive and job descriptions, policy manuals, and many other
engaged cultures and work environments documents, for ease of access by the employees. An
Facilitating disciplinary hearings, and other additional feature is the expense claims and travel
dispute resolution processes tracking which can be managed via this app.
Performance management processes
Job descriptions, and role profiling Fully Compliant HR Practices
Job grading and salary benchmarking DRG Siyaya’s core product provides companies with
Recruitment and induction fully compliant HR practices for their business, with
Competency and behaviour assessment tools access to best practice methodologies, supportive
Leadership and mentorship programmes reporting and compliance administrative activities;
in two different ways:
Client Base
Either by operating on their own registrations or,
DRG Siyaya has developed a significant client base,
amongst mainly small, medium, and entrepreneurial Through an Employer of Record (EoR) service on
enterprises. This client base differentiates DRG DRG Siyaya registrations.
Siyaya from its sister companies, DRG Outsourcing Both solutions provide companies with peace of
and BusinessFit SA. mind that their organisations are compliant in
DRG Network labour law, social securities, and employee taxation
perspectives. Typically, companies adopt DRG
DRG Siyaya’s model encourages other human Siyaya’s EoR service for instant compliance, then
resource companies to consider the benefits of
being part of a predominantly larger group of human transfer onto their own registrations when they are
ready to.
resource practitioners in sourcing knowledge,
expertise, branding, administrative support, and DRG Siyaya aims to grow its franchise network
opportunities to deliver their unique expertise by widely within South Africa in support of the growth
partnering within the DRG network. and development of our country’s SME sector. 55