Page 55 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 55

ƒ Providing HR Services to companies and    DRG is involved in Environmental initiatives:
            individuals from 40 countries around the world      ƒ Chairman of the Human Elephant Foundation,
            with business interest in South Africa, and in 20       an organisation founded in 2008 to help guide
            countries in Africa.                conservation activities, and to ensure that the
            ƒ DRG Outsourcing has provided services to more       animal kingdom has a voice.
            than 3000 organisations in KwaZulu-Natal and      ƒ Co-Founder of Rewilding Africa CIC, a UK based
            South Africa.                       organisation raising funds to help maintain and
         DRG Siyaya, a 52% Black Women Owned Company:      manage conservation projects in Africa.
            ƒ DRG Siyaya does absolutely everything in      ƒ Supporting local activities as restoring and
            HR, from payroll, employment equity, and       maintaining the Everton Conservancy.
            skills development administration, reporting and    DRG is involved in Governance initiatives as:
            compliance, to helping companies create
            productive and engaged cultures / work      ƒ Founder of BusinessFit, a group of 3 organisations
            environments, facilitating hearings, managing       providing business development services:
            performance processes, and doing job      » BusinessFit SA – providing a 5-Stage quality
            descriptions, job grading, benchmarking, etc.      assurance process, using the BusinessFit App as
            ƒ DRG Siyaya in its 18 years of operation continues      a support tool to guide business development.
            to provide high levels of administrative and      The BusinessFit App is a South African invention,
                                                 which is also growing popularity in the United
            compliance HR service to small, medium, and
            large organisations.                 Kingdom.
                                                  » BusinessFit International – situated in the United
         BusinessFit SA, 52% a Black Owned Company:    Kingdom, and providing a “trade conduit service”
            ƒ Helping entrepreneurs and business leaders build      for South African organisations to meet with and
            better businesses through a defined quality      gain local networking and business support
            assurance and sustainable development process      services in the United Kingdom.
            to help support their enterprise foundation,      » Bizhealth t/as BusinessFit – providing incubator
            intention, and desired outcome.      training and Stage 1 business development
            ƒ BusinessFit was initially established in 2012.     services.
                                                ƒ Founder of The Africa Marketing Initiative (TAMI),
         Contribution to business imperatives, stakeholders      an inward bound business portal, making it easy for
         and ESG                                international organisation to contact service
         DRG recognises that business success is the outcome      providers in South Africa in each functional
         of meeting not only business imperatives, but also in      and business support focus areas such as banking,
         the contributions made to stakeholders, which include      human resources, financial services, black
         sustainability considerations within communities and      economic empowerment, legal, marketing, etc,
         society as a whole, and ensuring environmental rights      and to connect with professional facilitators, able
         and protection are achieved.           to support research, networking and localisation
         DRG is involved in Social and Community initiatives:
                                                ƒ Co-Founder of Green Lights Sustainability Initiative
            ƒ Working with orphanages in the Botha’s Hill and       (GLSI), an organisation focused on supporting the
            Inanda areas through Sibanye Africa – a DRG       transfer of knowledge and understanding of
            initiative set up for this purpose.     matters sustainability and ESG transformation,
            ƒ Being an Exco member and the SA Chapter Leader       and providing organisations with a formal GLSI
            for the SA Chamber United Kingdom, whose       sustainability accreditation.
            primary mission is the support and development      ƒ Transferring knowledge and understanding of
            of South Africans and South African business.       business best practice, governance, sustainability,
            ƒ Being involved in the Commonwealth       engagement, organisation culture design, etc,
            Entrepreneurs Club, as President SA, whose primary       through being a columnist in Business Sense.
            mission is in networking and creating opportunity    Summary
            for SMEs to access and leverage opportunities    DRG’s purpose is to be a pillar of strength to small,
            across the entire Commonwealth chain of 56    medium, and large organisations, helping them
            countries.                       meet their administrative, compliance and reporting
            ƒ DRG and BusinessFit sponsored the KZN Top    responsibilities, and supporting them in their creation
            Business Women initiative in 2023, and will    of productive, sustainable, and engaged business and
            continue to do so in the years ahead.    work environments.

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