Page 154 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 154

                             AND HEART CENTRE

                                               Lenmed Group Chairman   General Manager:
                                               & CEO: Prakash Devchand   Niresh Bechan

       THE CHILDREN’S CARDIAC FOUNDATION    the only private hospital offering paediatric cardiac
                                            surgery in KwaZulu-Natal. This facility is unique with
       OF AFRICA                            a multidisciplinary 14-member team representing 10
       Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre   paediatric sub-disciplines, perhaps the only private
       recently  hosted  a  tribute  to  internationally  renowned   facility in South Africa to have this many paediatric
       cardiothoracic surgeon Prof Rob Kinsley at the Oyster   sub disciplines,” said Bechan.
       Box Hotel, where  The  Children’s Cardiac  Foundation of   Prof Kinsley’s inspiration was Dr Christaan Barnard who
       Africa, a non-profit organisation, which aims to help   conducted the world’s first human heart transplant at
       children with cardiac conditions who cannot afford   the Groote Schuur Hospital in 1967, with Prof Kinsley’s
       medical care, was introduced.
                                            career in cardiac surgery taking off in 1968. According
       This event was a celebration of the past and the   to Prof Kinsley, thousands of children in KZN born with
       future, marking Prof Kinsley’s 50 years of performing   congenital heart defects cannot afford private health
       open heart surgery with him having performed over   care and were unable to get the necessary treatment
       15000 surgeries.                     due to a serious skills shortage. “The plan is to start
       This significant celebration honoured the Heart   in KZN with Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart
       Guru Prof Rob Kinsley and presented the living   Centre and then look at how we can help with cases
       legacy he has envisaged,  The Children’s Cardiac   across Africa,” said Kinsley.
       Foundation of Africa.                According to chairman and CEO of Lenmed Group
       Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre   Prakash Devchand, a solution to the paediatric
       Manager Niresh Bechan said, “Prof Rob Kinsley has   cardiac problem in Africa is  The Children’s  Cardiac
       been performing cardiac surgery for as long as I have   Foundation of Africa. “This foundation will provide
       been alive. For me, it is most satisfying to part of a   training to doctors and support skills development of
       team that is giving life and to create the opportunity   nurses. The need is a reality; much support is needed
       to save lives. It is an unexplainable feeling. It is truly   to sustain this vision. Lenmed, together with the team
       humbling to have Prof Rob Kinsley on our paediatric   of the foundation want to ensure that we can touch
       team at Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre,   and save more lives.”

       }  Chairman and CEO of Lenmed Group Prakash Devchand and Cardiothoracic Surgeon Prof Rob Kinsley unveil The Children’s
          Cardiac Foundation of Africa
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