Page 155 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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Devchand pledged one million rand to the foundation with seven state of the art theatres, including a neuro-
and encouraged all other corporates to spend their operating theatre, as well as an entire floor dedicated
money where it matters most, with the children of our to the cardiac centre of excellence. These are
future and to support The Children’s Cardiac Foundation complemented by an experienced team of specialists,
of Africa. nursing staff and support services including a 24 hour
emergency service.
Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre is the
only private hospital in KwaZulu-Natal offering the Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre was the
much-needed services for paediatric cardiac surgery. only private hospital in KwaZulu-Natal to have been
In addition to this service, you will find almost all selected to take part in a nationally driven stroke
the paediatric sub-specialists at this facility, setting simulation (dummy patient run) project coordinated
the bar for modern child-centred healthcare. The by Angels South Africa in conjunction with Boehringer
multidisciplinary cardiac team includes adult and Ingelheim Global Office and Angels Europe. The
paediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr Darshan Reddy; entire simulation was recorded on a Go-Pro camera,
cardiologist Dr Himal Dama; foetal medicine specialist which was later evaluated. According to feedback
Dr Ismail Bhorat; anaesthetist Dr Petrus Doubell; received from Angels Consultants this simulation was
perfusionists Krishan Pillay and Karishta Bagwandin; a huge success, with the door to needle time being
and nurses. 30 minutes and 10 seconds. For a stroke emergency call
our dedicated stroke line on 086 1344 237.
Several successful lifesaving cardiac surgeries have
already been performed and many parents are seeing Full radiology (no after hour fees charged), laboratory,
the benefits of engaging with the specialists for their physiotherapy and pharmaceutical services, together
children’s relevant health matters. with a range of medical allied health services are at
hand. In addition, the hospital has consulting rooms
Taking care of all other paediatric needs are: paediatricians for specialised specialists, a coffee shop and ample
Dr Vinesh Moodley and Dr Thanusha Naidoo; paediatric
general surgeon Dr Ash Maharaj; paediatric neurologists parking bays with 24-hour security services.
Dr Yavini Reddy and Dr Rajeshree Govender; paediatric This hospital is the first fully digitally integrated hospital
haematologists Dr Keshnie Moodley and Dr Nicolene in South Africa. Everything about the hospital from the
Moonsamy; paediatric nephrologist Dr Elaene Naicker; ward design to the sophisticated software and medical
paediatric pulmonologist Dr Medeshni Annamalai; technology works towards the twin goals of superior
paediatric endocrinologist Dr Shafeeka Tayob and health care and maximum operational efficiency.
paediatric genetics Dr Thorona Naicker.
Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart Centre was
In addition, to Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital and Heart voted one of KZN’s top five and SA’s top 20 hospitals by
Centre’s numerous accolades include being a paediatric Discovery Health patients for Best Patient Experience
and adult heart, stroke, and renal dialysis centre of of Hospital Care. With several accolades to its credit,
excellence. The 345-bed hospital offers a complete this modern, tranquil, world class facility, offers best
spectrum of surgical, maternity and paediatric services quality patient care in line with its values.
Nature of Business: Private Hospital Health Care General Manager: Niresh Bechan
Services / Products: Private Health Care Nursing Manager: Charlotte Raman
Date Established: 01 July 2008 Marketing Manager: Sheena Dhunlal
Services Manager: Vegan Naicker
Customer Base: General Public & Communities Financial Manager: Yogita Maharaj
No. of Employees: 515 Human Resource Manager: Tasheeka Moodley
Auditors / Accountants: PKF Chartered Accountants & Pharmacy Manager: Shuhana Hookamchand
Business Advisors CONTACT DETAILS
Bankers: Rand Merchant Bank Lenmed Ethekwini Hospital & Heart Centre
Memberships: Hospital Association of South Africa Physical Address: 11 Riverhorse Road, Riverhorse Valley
(HASA) Business Estate, Queen Nandi Drive, Durban, 4017
Advertising Agency: We are Stellar Postal Address: PO Box 40586, Redhill, 4071
Tel: +27 (0)31 581 2400
Industry Quality Standards: Complying with National Fax: +27 (0)31 581 2699
Core Standards E-mail:
B-BBEE Status: Level 3 Website:
KEY PERSONNEL Contact The Children’s Cardiac Foundation of Africa by
Chairman: Prakash Devchand e-mailing: