Page 160 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 160
Mike Newton
YOU CAN LEAN ON US us’ takes homage from the fact that over the years, many
organisations have found it beneficial to engage with
Michael Newton Managing Director of Mfushane and trust the Mfushane team to get macroeconomic
Holdings (Mauritius) (Pty) Ltd is an astute projects successfully up and running.
businessman operating across the global business
platform but remains a Pinetown boy at heart. Mike served as Special Advisor to the Premier of the
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government, Senzo Mchunu,
Mike’s Isitakazelo (IsiZulu praise name) is ‘Mfushane’, for two and a half years up to June 2016. His primary role
which means ‘short man’. While seemingly disconcerting, was assisting the Premier in the execution of his mandate
this name has been affectionately used by his colleagues at the forefront of the Office of the Premier, dedicated
for many years, and as such it was deemed fitting to to service delivery around economic matters specifically.
name the company after the praise name given to him
by his peers. During 2016, Mfushane became fully functional and has
grown to a group of companies, with affiliates from all
Mike matriculated from Pinetown Boys High School corners of the globe, and focussing predominantly on
and went on to obtain a National Diploma in Civil macroeconomic development, which marries to the
Engineering, followed by a National Higher Diploma in National Development Strategy of the country within
Civil Engineering and culminating in a Masters Diploma in which the project is situated.
Technology, Civil Engineering and Water. Mike’s gift for
business management led him to a number of advanced The Mfushane Group includes several highly skilled
financial and business programmes, culminating in a professionals who have come together to deliver a
Masters Degree in Business Administration. first-class product to the client. This structure ensures
that Mfushane is able to provide the best professional
Mike is registered with the South African Engineering service possible, spanning many different fields of
Council Pr.Tech (Eng), the South African Institute expertise, at cost-effective rates. Based on the need
of Civil Engineers (SAICE), the Water Institute of and skill requirement of the project, specialists are
Southern Africa (WISA) and has served on a number placed into a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the
of committees. project and focus specifically on the project scope,
the steps to get it to fruition, and implementation
Mike is a passionate musician and accomplished bass
player and has spent several years managing and of these steps as per the client requirement. Every
playing in a band. project is different or arrives at the table at a different
stage of development.
Mike’s last positions before embarking on his Mfushane
journey were with the Ilembe Regional Council / King In September 2017 Mfushane established a strong
Shaka District Municipality / Ilembe District Municipality. presence in Mauritius, with a separate holding
During this time, he fulfilled the roles of Director, CEO, company being added to the Mauritius stable. Early
Municipal Manager and HOD of Enterprise iLembe. this year, Mike secured the company’s business hub
at a gracious, old, colonial hotel at Baie du Tombeau
Mfushane Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd was established with plans to, in the near future, operate fully out
in 2012. The strap line for the company ‘You can lean on of Mauritius. This is based on the country’s secure