Page 161 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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financial backbone and its excellent base from which Early this year, together with the Poverty
to access sub-Saharan Africa, as well as its access Eradication Foundation, Mfushane held a strategic
to the new logistics platform opening up the Asian launch celebration at the Royal Natal Yacht Club.
countries in the East. Mike presented Mfushane to the public, professional
The Mfushane Group of companies aims to provide associates and the press and, amongst other
a premium one-stop-shop for investment, initiatives projects, presented the exciting KZN Marina Project.
and project rollouts and to become the leading This initiative will see numerous local community
partner in assisting companies, individuals and members, living near our coastline, participating
entities to find international opportunities, which will in the running and administration of small marinas
allow them to grow in harmony with that country’s located strategically north and south of Durban
National Development Strategy. harbour.
} “Remember this day the 9th of February 2018 - this is a very important day for all of us - this is the day that change happened
in this province.” Mr Basil Sikhakhane, Poverty Eradication Foundation. From left : Commodore Graham Rose, Mike Newton,
Basil Sikhakhane, Menzi Sikhakhane, Skonza Bele.
Full Name of Company: Mfushane Holdings KEY PERSONNEL
(Mauritius) (Pty) Ltd Managing Director: Mike Newton
Nature of Business: Economic Development Finance: Perry Moodley
Services / Products: Professional Consulting and Administration: Tracy Du Plessis
Project Management CEO Mauritius: Ahmud Bhunnoo
Date Established: 2012 Mauritius Associate: Shaun Verster
Subsidiaries: Mfushane Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd CEO United Kingdom: Kirsty Northam
Customer Base: Public and private sector CONTACT DETAILS
Physical Address: 22 Rockhaven Road, Cowies Hill,
MISSION Pinetown, 3600
The Mfushane Group of companies wishes to become Postal Address: P.O. Box 378, Westville, 3630
the leading partner in assisting companies to find Tel: +27 (0)83 301 5278
international opportunities which will allow them to Email:
grow in harmony with that specific country’s National Website:
Development Strategy.