Page 156 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 156
Saskia Hill
JOIN THE FAMILY the years, job opportunities for both employed and
unemployed people have been created; training and
MCS Debt Recovery was established in 1995. Saskia coaching has been provided in order that they may
Hill, then the accountant for the business and staying become successful debt collection agents with the
true to her entrepreneurial spirit, acquired the business possibility of being promoted to managers and fulfil
in 2009 on the retirement of the founder Mr Jo Tets. other key roles within the industry.
Since then, Hill has increased the number of clients
tenfold and has grown the staff employment number Motivating staff in the call centre environment is of
from 40 to 220. prime importance and MCS Debt Recovery retains
staff by offering good incentives and delivers on what
Hill says that the success of her business has been is promised. “We are also consistently looking at
based on treating her staff as assets and believes that innovative ways to engage with our employees. We
happy staff equate to successful collectors. She says, gamify existing processes by playing games which
“Our vision is to be a leading debt recovery company, have rewards to encourage agents to get to the
providing excellent service to our clients, in an next level and consistently strive to increase their
environment where our staff can grow and develop.” performance in respect of their specific KPIs,” says Hill.
Says Hill, “We promote a family type culture with both Hill is very hands on in her interactions with the call
our staff and our clients. The business slogan, ‘Walk in as centre agents. The location of her desk on the call centre
a guest, and join the family’, is one that we all embrace.” floor (alongside the other members of the management
MCS Debt Recovery has also moved from small, team), enables her to constantly monitor collections.
rented offices to larger, owned premises. The That way, Hill says, she can quickly acknowledge an
business is now located in an 860m² building in agent who handles a telephone call well or is able to
Cornubia’s light industrial area, accommodating all discuss a difficult call.
the staff and includes a generator room, staff canteen The current collections and financial management
and a training centre. (credit providers) industry are facing some of the
As the well-being of the staff is always top of mind, greatest challenges that they have ever faced. Debtors
MCS Debt Recovery has a highly productive workforce. are under enormous pressure and this situation needs
Staff are recruited from the neighbouring towns. Over to be handled with incredible foresight. “I remind the
staff to have empathy when dealing with people who
are in debt – you never know what the person on the
other end of the phone is dealing with,” said Hill.
In addition, a dedicated wellness manager works
together with management and staff to create
employee engagement strategies. This strategy
includes sending a daily motivational email which
contains motivational messages, South African news,
highlights of the previous work day, and recognition
messages. Motivational speakers deliver talks to the
whole workforce once per quarter. Quarterly staff
surveys to ascertain employee satisfaction as well as
obtain feedback on areas where improvements can be
} Staff in the call centre are incentivised to meet targets. made are undertaken. Employees are also encouraged