Page 158 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 158
Chief Executive Officer:
Captain Salvatore Sarno
GROWTH THROUGH INNOVATION is headed up by a team of highly trained Italian and
South African technicians and has a staff complement
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has an of over one hundred members.
innovative, flexible and unique approach to shipping
that has allowed the company to grow significantly Diversification
over the last twenty years. Founded in 1970, MSC is
now the biggest user of the South African ports and MSC has successfully diversified into the business
by 2003 was the second biggest container carrier in of container depots, all of which have custom bond
the world. facilities. These are situated in Durban, Cape Town,
Johannesburg, East London and Rosslyn, Pretoria.
MSC has 480 offices in 155 countries with a team of Rosslyn boasts its own rail siding as facilitating clients’
70 000, dedicated fleet of 490 container vessels with access to their manufacturing plants, is a particularly
an intake capacity of circa 3.1 million TEU. We have a critical issue for the motoring industry.
global sailing schedule covering 200 routes and calling
at 500 ports. Social Responsibility
From a socio economic perspective MSC mainly contri-
MSC provides global coverage, linking South Africa
directly with Europe, UK, USA, Asia, Middle East, India, butes to charities such as the Domino Foundation, Just
Pakistan, Far East, Australia as well as the key ports of Us 4 Children, Reach for a Dream and the upliftment
Africa’s West Coast, East Coast and the Indian Ocean of the community of Umzimkhulu, which is one of the
Islands, South America, Madagascar and Mozambique. poorest and highest HIV rates in the country. MSC
funds various schools and provides access to bursaries
MSC’s dramatic growth over the past decade can be to its employees’ children.
attributed to two things: the quality management
system that aims at consistently improving upon Training Programmes and CSI
service levels within the shipping community and MSC offers several prorammes to staff across the
MSC’s willingness to initiate change to meet the organisation:
requirements of clients and principals.
International Trade
South African Investments Liner Trade
Basic Legal Principles
MSC has significant investments in the South African Supervisory Skills
property market, with instantly recognizable office Manage Logistics Operations
buildings worth R240 million in Durban, Cape Communication Skills
Town, Port Elizabeth, Johannesburg and Pretoria. Grievance & Discipline
The Italian Village in Umhlanga Ridge was built to Analysing & Solving Problems
accommodate MSC’s Italian personnel and their Conflict Management
families, and comprises seven houses, a crèche Health & Safety
and day care centre. Built in 1996, this complex is Customer Service
currently valued at R35 million. Manage Personal Finance
Telephone Etiquette
Technical Expertise CSI Courses
Learnership: International Trade
MSC’s hugely successful technical division, which Learnership: Freight Forwarding & Customs
was expanded in 1998, operates a world class, full Compliance.
scale engine repair and maintenance facility, which Learnership: Shipping.