Page 203 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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Retailers, success is achieved with a team of staff that Star Retailers has a strong commitment to staff
respect one another. upliftment through in-house training in addition
The success of Star Retailers has been recognised to the standard Spar training, and employs three
repeatedly by Spar, and Ravi has won all the major Spar full-time accredited facilitators. Ravi views his role
awards, including: as to empower senior management to achieve
Regional SuperSpar of the Year (Starwood 2014) the goals of the organisation, and to impart his
National SuperSpar of the Year (Starwood 2016) vision to his management, and the business is
Regional Spar of the Year (St. George’s 2017) based on relationships of respect, honesty, trust
KZN Mr. Spar Award (2017) and accountability.
The Mr. Spar Award is the most prestigious award for Sound financial principles mean the business runs
a Spar retailer, and in his typically humble style, Ravi on positive cash flow and is virtually debt-free, and
points out that the award was won not only by him, but sophisticated IT systems integrate the tills, stock
by his team who have been loyal to him and have shared and accounting systems for accurate daily financial
his vision and strategy throughout the years. reporting.
Ravi’s team is very close and it is through teamwork The business sources fresh produce from organic farms,
and respect that he has achieved such success. He is and office systems have minimised paper utilisation
very hands-on, and believes in leading by example on with electronic reporting, automated reconciliations
a daily basis. He has a passion for store design and new and all cardboard and plastic packaging is recycled.
innovations and has personally been involved in the Community involvement has priority from day one,
design of each of his stores. and giving back and helping the less fortunate
Ravi is also currently introducing new strategies to is something that is very close to Ravi and Serena’s
ensure that his stores are eco-friendly, with solar hearts. Star Retailers assists multiple feeding schemes
power, LED lighting and advanced refrigeration cooling and outreach programmes including community
systems to reduce the carbon footprint and consumption centres, schools, rural ethnic festivals and temples.
of power.
Each store has a charitable donation budget and staff
He is also considering vertical integration in the stores and management activity visit the programmes for
and introducing his own branding. the underprivileged that they support.
Full Name of Company: Kayur Investments (Pty) Ltd KEY PERSONNEL
and Namfiriti Investment (Pty) Ltd (Star Retailers CEO: Ravi Jagadasan
Group of Companies) Managing Director: Serena Jagadasan
Category: Trade – Retail trade Marketing Manager: Eric Anderson
Services / Products: Retail (groceries, fresh produce, Financial Manager: Farzana Khan
perishable goods) Human Resources: Serena Jagadasan
Date Established: 01/01/2008 CONTACT DETAILS
Customer Base: 600 000 customers Physical Address: 1-3 Andromeda Street, Starwood
No. of Employees: 1 000 employees Mall, Phoenix, 4068
Postal Address: P.O. Box 60264, Phoenix, 4068
B-BBEE Status: Compliant Level 6 Tel: +27 (0)31 507 1748
Auditors / Accountants: Shirish Bhoola Consulting Fax: +27 (0)31 507 1293
Bankers: Standard Bank E-mail: