Page 208 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 208


                                                         Dr. Kristina Wallengren
                                            patients well. Consequently, the staff’s interaction
                                            often  goes  beyond  clinical  treatment  to  include
       THINK (TB and HIV Investigative Network) is a globally   involvement and assistance in social issues that impact
       recognised and registered non-profit organisation   on their patient’s daily lives.
       that conducts clinical research on behalf of providers
       of  medication  to alleviate  suffering  arising  from   THINK is collaborating with other South African NPOs
       Tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)   funded by The Global Fund for the implementation
       infection. While its area of influence incorporates the   of programmes addressing the HIV and TB epidemic.
       African continent, THINK is based in KwaZulu-Natal   The focus is primarily in west, central and south sub-
       where infection rates are particularly high.  districts of eThekwini municipality. In this programme,
                                            THINK is currently providing over 90 000 people with
       Swedish born Dr. Kristina Wallengren, PhD, MPH, is   treatment adherence counselling and support.
       the founder and executive director of THINK. She is
       a passionate researcher who has lived and worked   To this end, Adherence clubs have been established
       in South Africa for the past twelve years.  When not   for people living with HIV that have been on
       working at her office in Winston Park, Kloof, she can   anti-retroviral treatment (ART) for at least 12 months.
       be found at one of the research sites. These are at   Treatment does not cure AIDS. It only helps keep
       the King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex in Sydenham,   the infection under control and helps strengthen the
       Durban, the Doris Goodwin MRD-TB Hospital in   immune system to fight against other infections. There
       Pietermaritzburg and at the Don McKenzie TB   are many factors associated with poor adherence
       Hospital in Botha’s Hill which is funded by ‘Doctors   such  as  inadequate  home  support,  inability  to  take
       Without Borders’.                    time off work to go to the clinics and non-disclosure
                                            of HIV status. The adherence clubs aim to motivate,
       THINK is currently conducting clinical trials aimed   encourage and help participants stick to their
       at improving diagnosis, treatment and care for TB   treatment plan by creating a network of support and
       and HIV infected individuals. The TB and HIV burden   continuous education.
       in KwaZulu-Natal is among the highest in the world.
       The province also suffers from the highest number of   THINK is supported through international research
       drug resistant TB cases per population and was the   funding as well as government, philanthropy, and
       scene for the ‘XDR TB outbreak’ in 2005 leading to the   industry, while research is maintained through grants.
       uncovering of Extensively Drug Resistant (XDR) TB.  Dr Wallengren said, “People come to us because they
       New treatments under evaluation at THINK include the   know that the quality of our research is excellent. We
       first new TB drugs to be developed since the 1950s.   work collaboratively with a number of institutions.”
       These have the possibility of shortening treatment   However, THINK also needs to generate income to
       for both drug sensitive and drug resistant TB to six   remain sustainable. One of the most important aspects
       months and to change millions of lives by providing a   of the organisation’s work is education and training in
       single cure for all strains of TB in the next 10 years. Dr   schools and workplaces on healthy living practices.
       Wallengren said, “We want to save the world.”
                                            THINK is growing this service to encompass employee
       A specific field of interest is TB in children who are   wellness  programmes,  which  have  become  an
       chronically under diagnosed. However, they are   important part of implementing the South African
       vulnerable to infection due to the close contact that   Occupational Health and Safety Act. Through on-site
       they have with their mothers (who may be infected).  employee wellness programmes, employers will be
       Due to the duration of the clinical trials, which can   able to provide education classes, screenings, and
       take  place  over  several  years  and  include  frequent   facilitating adherence to medical protocols and follow
       monitoring visits, the research staff get to know their   up assistance to identify and manage health issues and

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