Page 209 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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preventable illness. This service also aims to alleviate   THINK’s dedicated team of experts, in close
       the need for employees to take regular days off work   collaboration with other knowledge expert entities,
       to collect medicines or have health issues monitored.   have produced the highest quality but, practical,
                                            content currently available. Their wish is to influence
       THINK initiated a school speech competition with six
       participating secondary schools, whereby students   a collaborative and connected future for healthcare
       were encouraged to prepare a twenty-minute speech   –  where  teams  work  together  in  ensuring  that  a
       on TB infection and prevention; TB treatment and   heightened awareness of and effective response to
       treatment impact; and TB clinical research and the   the TB HIV pandemics.
       benefit thereof.                     Siyabonga Nzimande (Director and Stakeholder
       THINK welcomes Socio-Economic Development   Manager at THINK and Advocate for TB and HIV
       spend. More than 95% of our beneficiaries are   vaccine research) said, “I believe that change starts
       black  Africans.  Businesses  can  therefore  obtain   with one person at a time, that people do not change
       maximum  points  for  Broad  Based Black  Economic   as a result of receiving information only but when they
       Empowerment Scorecards.              see those around them change.”

       Full Name of Company: THINK Tuberculosis and HIV   KEY PERSONNEL
       Investigative Network (RF) NPC       Founder and Executive Director:
       Services: Clinical research focused on bringing forward  Dr. Kristina Wallengren
       more effective drug regimens, new diagnostic tools,   Director and Stakeholder Manager:
       improved vaccines and innovative delivery approaches  Siyabonga Nzimande
       in the field of TB and HIV.          Director: David White
       Date Established: 2013               Financial Manager: Trevor Mvundura
       Customer Base: >95% black African patients and    Site Managers: Samantha Aucock, Charlene Govender
       their communities
       No. of Employees: 200                CONTACT DETAILS
       B-BBEE Status: B-BBEE SED – 100%     Physical address Suite 7B, First Floor, Brannic House,
       Auditors / Accountants: Grant Thornton  54 St Andrews Drive, Durban North, 4051
       Bankers: Standard Bank               Tel: +27 (0)31 303 1120
       Advertising / PRO Agency: Andrews Creative and   E-mail
       In-house                             Website
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