Page 213 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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Namibia And Botswana will ensure that the business is well positioned to
The Botswana operation has the capacity to pack and benefit from global developments in this area.
distribute 60 000 tons of sugar per annum using its
Blue Crystal® brand while in Namibia, Tongaat Hulett Land Conversion
has a 80 000 ton per annum packing and distribution Tongaat Hulett has an unequalled portfolio of land in
operation with its leading Marathon® brand. prime positions near Durban and on the north coast
of KwaZulu-Natal earmarked for conversion from
Renewable Energy agriculture to a range of urban and tourism uses over
The eight sugar mills in Mozambique, South Africa time. The business is focused on creating stakeholder
and Zimbabwe all generate electricity from bagasse value through converting land within its portfolio of
during the sugarcane crushing season. In some prime land near Durban and Ballito to enable investors,
instances, these operations supply electricity to the developers, end users and authorities to access
grid. In Zimbabwe, Triangle has an ethanol plant which bankable shovel-ready real estate investment projects
provided 21,7 million litres for blending with petrol that yield the best possible urban use. Further details
during the 2017/18 year. are provided in Tongaat Hulett’s Land Development
Portfolio, available at
Voermol Feeds
Voermol Feeds is located at the Maidstone mill in
Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal. Tongaat Hulett manufactures
and markets a range of energy and supplementary
feeds to the livestock farming community through its
Voermol® brand. Voermol Feeds is the market leader
in the molasses and pith-based animal feeds industry
in South Africa.
Starch and Glucose Operation
Tongaat Hulett’s wet-milling operation is the major
producer of starch and glucose on the African
continent. Established in 1919, the starch operations
convert more than 670 000 tons of bought-in maize
per annum into a wide range of products, from
unmodified maize starch to highly-refined glucose
products, which are key ingredients for manufacturers
of foodstuffs, beverages and a variety of industrial
products. The business has distribution networks and
facilities in Zimbabwe, Australasia and the Far East.
Tongaat Hulett’s significant investments in the
production of sweeteners using both sugar and maize
Full Name of Company: Tongaat Hulett Ltd Operations: Tongaat Hulett Developments, Tongaat
Nature of Business: Agriculture, Financial and Hulett Starch, and Tongaat Hulett Sugar.
Business Services Auditors/Accountants: Deloitte
Services/Products: Bankers: FNB, Nedbank, Standard & ABSA
� Leading sugar brand in South Africa, Chief Executive Officer: Peter Staude
Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. Chief Financial Officer: Murray Munro
� South Africa’s leading supplier of MD Sugar South Africa: Martin Mohale
refined carbohydrates. MD Starch and Glucose: Garth Macpherson
� A world leader in sugar milling technology. MD Land Conversion and Development: Mike Deighton
� The only maize wet-miller south of Egypt and the CONTACT DETAILS
third largest maize buyer in South Africa Corporate Office
� Tongaat Hulett optimises land conversion and Physical Address: Amanzimnyama Hill Road, Tongaat
development at the appropriate times mainly in the Postal Address: PO Box 3, Tongaat, 4400
Tel: +27 (0)32 439 4000
KwaZulu-Natal coastal corridor north of Durban. Fax: +27 (0)32 945 3333
Date Established: 1892 E-mail:
No. of Employees: >40 000 during the peak milling season Website: