Page 218 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 218
Mpho Mothoa
GLOBAL GROWTH ENHANCES LOCAL the long-term interests of all our stakeholders, including
RELEVANCE employees, customers, shareholders and government.
Tronox Limited is quite unique among its peers - the only Tronox empowers local community members to
fully integrated international mineral sands producer. establish businesses, and has a preferential procurement
policy, whereby these businesses are then contracted
The Fairbreeze mine was a R3.3-billion investment in to Tronox, but they do also render their services to other
the KZN provincial economy, with most of the 4200 companies.
contractors used in the construction sourced from the
local communities. A Proudly South African Global Player
During the two-year construction period there were Of the seven ilmenite smelters in the world, Tronox
ore availability challenges, resulting in the switching off remains the only company, which further processes the
of the mineral separation plant and slag plants – during titania slag (Titanium pigment).
which time no employees were retrenched, despite a Our feedstock production exceeds our current pigment
significant financial loss to the company. demand, hence a portion of our final product is sold
Tronox believes that our business can and should externally. The official opening of the Fairbreeze
play a role in improving the quality of life in the Mine in April 2016 resulted in our exports significantly
communities in which we operate; also, in promoting increasing.