Page 222 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 222

                        BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP

                                                          Professor Nana Poku
       The Graduate School of Business and Leadership   the world. It is our goal to train students to become
       (GSB&L)  at the  University  of  KwaZulu-Natal  (UKZN)   value creators by possessing world views that are
       is one of four Schools in the College of Law and   ethically-driven and value systems that are informed
       Management Studies. It is in the Westville Campus of   by their appreciation of both the opportunities and
       UKZN, eight kilometres away from the Durban and   the limitations of business in addressing some of the
       Pinetown CBDs, in a convenient and easy to access   world’s most pressing problems.
       location. Located within an environmental conservancy,
       the modern Westville Campus combines state-of-the-  Research Strategy
       art infrastructure with beautiful natural surroundings.   Our goal speaks to our research strategy of producing
       The GSB&L blends into the rich cultural and economic   highly relevant, applied research that makes a tangible
       tapestry of the Province by being involved in the   difference to the world – to students, businesses,
       activities of the city and supporting the initiatives of   consumers, public sector, governments and employees.
       the Province.                        Our focus is on conducting interdisciplinary research
                                            with impact and relevance, engaging with world-
       Connected To The Future              class researchers across the University and through
       There has never been a more exciting time to pursue   national and global research collaborations. Through
       studies in a  graduate business  school  because   our Research clusters, we bring leading scholars from
       nearly every form of economic viability and social   across the University to work on challenging topics
       development intersects with business and industry. At   such as justice, equality and access to healthcare,
       the same time, the boundaries between the public and   maritime law and governance, corporate social
       private realms are becoming more porous, and local,   responsibility, sustainability, innovation and enterprise
       regional, international and global forces are shaping   development, circular economy, logistics and supply
       our lives – very often, through the activities of industry   chains, information systems and technology, social
       and business. We believe that there is little distinction   entrepreneurship, branding, social networking and
       to be made between individuals’ career ambitions, their   value creation, macroeconomic sustainability, open
       engagement with communities both near and far, and a   economies and fiscal shocks.
       broader understanding of the forces currently shaping
                                            We work very closely with local, national and
                                            international businesses – whether it’s through student
                                            placements and the year in industry, consultancy
                                            work, or our Knowledge Transfer Networks. Our work
                                            with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic
                                            Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs
                                            (EDTEA) is now entering its seventh year. Through
                                            this partnership, the GSB&L offers postgraduate
                                            programmes aimed at promoting regional and local
                                            economic development (RLED), building critical
                                            thinking in relation to RLED, continuing professional
                                            development, creating a professional network of RLED
                                            graduates and strengthening the implementation
                                            practice of RLED institutions.
                                            The programmes offered form the academic component
                                            of a multi-focused, capacity-building initiative that
       f   The Governor of the South African Reserve Bank,    won  the  2014  International  Partnership  Network’s
          Mr Lesetja Kganyago, visited the UKZN GSB&L in April 2017    Global Best Award for the best Entrepreneurship and
          and delivered a public lecture on Monetary Policy.  Enterprise Skills Partnership in Africa. In 2015, the RLED
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