Page 226 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 226


                                                          CEO: Stella Khumalo
                                               ƒ Provided impetus for a R331 million increase in
                                               property prices in the area
       It is almost impossible to imagine Durban without     ƒ Added 6062 jobs (directly) to eThekwini region
       uShaka Marine World. Africa’s largest marine theme     ƒ Facilitated 5338 indirect jobs through suppliers
       park is not only an integral part of the city’s overall      and service providers to uShaka.
       tourism offering and one of two anchor tenants along   A Must See Attraction
       the  world  renowned  Golden  Mile,  but  an  economic
       engine and success story within its own right.  uShaka prides itself in offering a combination of
                                            entertainment and leisure outdoor activities that are
       Created over 14 years ago to kick start urban regen-  suitable for all generations. These are aimed at both
       eration and to boost economic development, it has   the international  and domestic tourism  markets and
       driven up footfall in what was a largely ignored and   include everything  from  adrenaline  pumping water
       neglected part of the Durban beachfront. In more than   slides at Wet ‘n Wild to fun and games at uShaka Kids
       a decade, it has been a catalyst for the growth of other   World to an ‘up close and personal’ experience with
       hospitality businesses and the city’s tourism offering   sea creatures at uShaka Sea Animal Encounter Island.
       as a whole.                          In addition, uShaka is known for its dolphin shows, its
       To date, uShaka Marine World has contributed some   Dangerous Creatures exhibit, the Chimp & Zee Rope
       R2 billion to the Gross Geographical Product (GGP)   Adventure Park, a range of restaurants and fast food
       of Durban, enjoying a 20% increase in footfall from   outlets, its Village Walk retail centre and a variety of
       2014/15 to 2015/6 and an 11% increase in revenue in the   parties and adventures that augment big events within
       last financial year.                 the city.
       To be more specific, uShaka has:     Tourism with a Conscience
         ƒ Provided prime trading space for 69 businesses,    uShaka is proud to be an important marine conservation
          37% of which are SMMEs            resource that drives a strong marine conservation
         ƒ Employed an average of 22 services businesses    message. The iconic aquarium, with its 22 million litre
          per annum, 11% of which are SMMEs.  tanks, is the seventh largest aquarium in the world
         ƒ Provided 39 businesses supplying uShaka with    and home to more than 300 species of marine life and
          catering services, 20 of which are SMMEs  10 000 sea creatures. This is managed by the South
                                            African Association for Marine Biological Research
                                            However, uShaka’s philanthropy goes beyond the
                                            ocean and beaches and helps to improve the quality of
                                            life of those living close to the marine theme park. The
                                            Swimanathi, for example, provides important water
                                            safety education for over 300 children each year. A
                                            partnership with neighbouring Addington Children’s
                                            Hospital, together with regular visits from schools in
                                            the region enables uShaka to reach out to communities
                                            who would not ordinarily benefit from its resources.

                                            A Business Partner
                                            Management at uShaka Marine is proud to have built
                                            strategic partnerships with key stakeholders within the

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