Page 227 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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city’s broader tourism sector such as Durban Tourism, Utilising a “recap model”, assets will be continually
Tourism KwaZulu-Natal and the KZN Film Commission. upgraded and new and exciting attractions introduced
This business is also an important mentor to emerging via investments by its shareholders as well as public
businesses within its supply chain. Many of these are private sector partnerships. A total of R300 million is
tenants who provide critical services such as catering, expected to be invested in uShaka Marine World over
photography and entertainment. the next 20 years. uShaka is proud to have received
clean audits for four consecutive years.
Others are retailers within Village Walk which supports
approximately 72 businesses. This 10 000m2 boutique Recent Highlights
shopping centre averaging 99% occupancy in the
past year, prides itself on its unique location, high Highlights worthy of a mention include the KZN Top
percentage of owner-operators, and its regular new Brands’ Top Tourist Attraction 2015 (top 10), a Certificate
offerings which recently have included the Food Market of Excellence from Trip Advisor, Best Attraction at
(for small food traders) and the Craft Market, which Durban Chamber of Commerce Tourism Awards 2014
incubates some ten to twelve small entrepreneurs, a and 2015, third place in the Sunday Times Generation
number of whom have grown to become fully fledged Next (for the 6th consecutive year) and the company’s
shops in their own right.
CEO winning a Regional Business Achiever Award by
A Stakeholder with a Future The Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa.
Award by The Businesswomen’s Association of South
uShaka has an integral part to play in Durban’s tourism Africa. In 2017, uShaka was awarded, the Best Marine
offering in the future and will continue to drive growth
of the Durban Point Waterfront Development and Experience by Lilizela Awards, the Number 1 attraction in
Inner City Development through working closely with Durban out of 118 by Trip Adviser and the Standard Bank
the likes of the new Durban Cruise Terminal. KZN Top Business Award in the Tourism sector.
Full Name of Company: Durban Marine Theme Park COO: Neville Pillay
Soc Ltd (RF), Trading as uShaka Marine World CFO: Xoliswa Hlongwane
Industry Sector: Hospitality Marketing Director: Mpume Mabuza
Services / Products: Tourism Attraction Human Resources Director: Aubrey Ngubane
Date Established: 30 April 2004 CONTACT DETAILS
No. of Employees: 500 Physical Address: 1 King Shaka Avenue, Point,
Auditors / Accountants: Auditor General Durban, 4001
Bankers: Nedbank Postal Address: P.O. Box 38416, Point, 4069
Advertising / PRO Agency: S & A Marketing Tel: +27 (0)31 328 8000
Fax: +27 (0)31 328 8090
CEO: Stella Khumalo Website: