Page 224 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 224
ED: Prof Anesh Singh
ENABLING ACCESS TO HIGH QUALITY to driving the UKZN Foundation’s fundraising
programme” explained Prof Singh. In an annual survey
EDUCATION AT UKZN on higher education, it was reported that UKZN
The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Foundation excelled at community engagement.
is the official fundraising arm of the institution. The Donors can look forward to a valued added service
Foundation is headed up by the Executive Director, provided by the Foundation which facilitates a one stop
Professor Anesh Maniraj Singh who was appointed shop for donors as well as undertakes all administration
in 2016. functions, including providing tax certificates and
“The primary function of the Foundation is to provide paperwork for Broad-Based Black Economic Empower-
a professional fund raising service that benefits all ment (B-BBEE) spend. As a nonprofit organisation, the
our stakeholders, including students, academics, UKZN Foundation is a section 18A entity so donations are
society and the various strategic projects of UKZN,” tax deductible. In addition, spending may be claimed for
said Prof Singh. B-BBEE scorecard points under procurement, and skills
The Foundation strives to cultivate a strong relationship development. “Of importance is that there is more to
with donors, which typically consists of trusts, giving than just meeting B-BBEE scorecard goals. There
corporates, high net worth individuals, alumni and the are also intangible rewards. This is apparent in the ‘feel
general public. This relationship is well coordinated good’ that results from giving. Giving is good not only
through regular correspondence via the in-house for yourself but also for society. Potential and current
newsletter as well as through the UKZN Foundation donors are encouraged to give the gift of knowledge,”
website. “Maintaining these relationships is essential said Prof Singh.
f In conversation with the Chancellor of UKZN - Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng.
From right to left: - Prof Deresh Ramjugernath (UKZN), Mr Sithembiso Cele (ABSA), Professor Anesh Singh (UKZN
Foundation), Mr Percy Mathebula (ABSA), and Mr Seelan Chetty (ABSA).