Page 214 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 214
Chairman: President & CEO:
Dr Johan van Zyl Andrew Kirby
include the World Health Organisation (WHO), the
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICHEF) and
“Toyota has become as much a part of South African the International Federation of Red Cross and Red
culture as the vibrant South Africans that drive Crescent Societies (UNIRFC).
our vehicles.”
In addition to producing and supplying fully builtup
Toyota’s heritage in South Africa spans more than 56 light commercial and passenger vehicles (CBUs) to
years and the company has been the beneficiary of the globe, TSAM exports new components to Thailand
ongoing investment since its manufacturing inception for the use in their own Hilux / Fortuner / Innova
in 1972 when the company started operations at production facilities. This business adds significant
Prospecton near Durban. Toyota is committed to value to the local supply chain while acting as another
South Africa by strategically investing in the people, important milestone in TSAM’s growth as an exports’
tools and equipment to produce cars and commercial hub at the base of Africa.
vehicles of world-class standard.
TSAM strives continuously to improve systems and
Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM) is the largest technologies to deliver the best quality vehicles to
automaker in South Africa, manufacturing no fewer customers, vehicles that meet customers; needs
than five individual models (Hilux, Fortuner, Corolla, and their high expectations of what the Toyota
Corolla Quest and Quantum) as well as selected Hino brand epitomises. In addition, TSAM is dedicated
and Dyna models. In 2016, Toyota invested over R6,1 and committed to supplying parts, accessories and
billion to facilitate production of the all-new Hilux and services that meet the requirements of the South
Fortuner at its Prospecton plant. African and export markets that it services.
Many of these vehicles are not only destined for the
domestic market, but will also fly TSAM’s flag high Toyota Empowerment Trust
on the international stage thanks to a robust export The Toyota Empowerment Trust which was seeded
plan. TSAM is extremely proud that its locally- with R42-million in start-up funding and focuses on
produced Hilux will be supplied to 16 United Nation skills and enterprise development initiatives in the
affiliated programmes, funds and agencies. These automotive industry was launched in 2017. Initially,
it will facilitate the training and qualification of
specialised automation technicians.
“The TET will implement training and enterprise
development initiatives alongside and in support
of our other education initiatives,” says TSAM CEO
Andrew Kirby.
“These include our Toyota Teach programme that
supports over nine primary schools and our Toyota
Technical Education Programme (T-TEP) that sup-
ports, and often manages, technical high schools in
KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.”
Toyota has already started with the creation of a fully
equipped robotics and automation training facility
in Durban. This facility will train technicians in the
maintenance of complex manufacturing equipment,
such as welding and spray painting robots.