Page 215 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 215
The new robotics and automation facility will form part “I trust that many of the trainees will find employment
of TALA, Toyota’s corporate training division. at our plant or, in the case of prospective small business
owners, a stable base of work from where they can
TALA has campuses in Gauteng and Durban. expand their services to other manufacturers.”
In addition to the training, the TET will eventually be Training is the key to the success of TSAM and is
able to support qualified technicians to start their therefore all-encompassing; from assembly-line
own maintenance firms, and to offer this specialist team members to dealer personnel. This does not
service to Toyota and other vehicle manufacturers in only involve skills transfer, but also extends to
South Africa. “As the largest vehicle manufacturer in ‘imbibing’ the Toyota culture of a caring company,
South Africa, we are ideally suited to offer this type of transformation in the work place and development
training,” says Kirby. of a well-trained, integrated supply chain.
“Trainees will be able to hone their skills at our Kirby said, “Our business is not just about
manufacturing facility in Prospecton, Durban, and we manufacturing vehicles; it’s about making ever-better
will no doubt use their new talents to full effect at vehicles and the only way we can accomplish this, is
our plant.” by investing in the people who build our vehicles.”
Full Name of Company: Toyota South Africa Motors CONTACT DETAILS
Nature of Business: Motor vehicle manufacturer and Sandton, Gauteng:
distributor, component manufacturer, importer and Physical Address: Stand 1, Wesco Park, Old Pretoria
exporter Road, Sandton, South Africa
Date Established: 1961 Postal Address: PO Box 481, Bergvlei, 2012
Tel: +27 (0)11 809 9111
Holding Company: Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan Fax: +27 (0)11 809 2940
No. of Employees: 8 500 staff E-mail:
Chairman Toyota South Africa Motors: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal:
Dr Johan van Zyl Physical Address: Gate 1, Lot 2281, Prospecton Road,
President and CEO Toyota South Africa Motors: Prospecton, Durban
Andrew Kirby Postal Address: P.O. Box 26070, Isipingo Beach, 4115
Tel: +27 (0)31 910 2911