Page 85 - Ark of the Covenant Prayer(ebook)
P. 85
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple,
and that God’s spirit lives in you?” (1Corinthians 3:16)
Now, we can enter the temple on daily basis. Also, the
Most Holy Place can be entered without restrictions. We all
can talk with God and experience the Glory of God.
But, no one would claim that this is an easy task. It is tough
to walk with the Holy Spirit and lean on his voice, despite
our bodies being a temple. Why is it that hearing the voice of
God is so tough? It is because we do not pray the prayer of
the Spirit.
The prayer of the Spirit is essential in walking with God.
Why so? It is because God walks with us in his Spirit.
“God is the spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the
spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)
Basically, if we do not approach him in spirit, God does not
abide with us in Spirit because God is with us in Spirit. We
must realize that if we are still being tossed back and forth
by the worldly passions in our own knowledge and will, then
God cannot be with us. The reason is sim-ple. God is with us
in Spirit. Despite God’s love for us, God, as the spirit, does