Page 7 - May 2023 News Letter
P. 7
Session on the use of View Sonic Board
Date: 19/05/23
The session was conducted on the use of the View Sonic Board by Mr. Swamy.
The session's focus was laid on the added features of the very useful and
eye-catching My White board. It comes with many advantages; including
viewing two slides together and get direct access to Youtube without advertisements,
we also had a promotional session on the app. This app seemed very
useful as it helps teachers teach and monitor students. It can also help students
learn and practice better.
Karadi Path -Training and Accreditation Workshop
Date 22-5-23
"The language we use influences the way we think".
To enhance the reading skills, accelerate the pace of reading and comprehend what
is read the school has introduced the karadi path for the classes PP1 to std 5.
The core of the karadi path methodology lies in the natural way of acquiring English
language through the mother tongue approach . It believes in making language
learning easy, enjoyable, effective and accessible to all. A teacher’s training program
was held by "The Karadi Path, the education company".
The four modules - action, music, reading and story were introduced along with the
integrated feature of theater to capture the elements of natural language acquisition.
The workshop was fun and filled with lots of singing, action rhymes, listening to the
story, reading and conversing with peers about the given topic.