Page 56 - e-CPG-SLE-8_5_24
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Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

           studies also showed no significant association of HCQ use and foetal
           loss, pre-term delivery and pre-eclampsia. 111, level II-2; 112, level II-2; 113, level II-2

           Corticosteroids  is  also  the  cornerstone  treatment  in  pregnancy.
           However,  its  dose  should  be  reduced  to  lowest  effective  dose  prior
           to conception to ensure its safety in pregnancy. In a meta-analysis of
           overall good quality primary studies, the use of corticosteroids >7.5 mg/
           day was associated with risk of pre-term delivery, small gestational age
           and foetal loss. 114, level II-2  Nevertheless, CPG DG opines that for mild
           to moderate SLE flare, a dose increment may be considered but then
           tapered accordingly.

           HCQ, AZA,  CNIs  and  low  dose  corticosteroids  are  safe  to  be  used
           throughout pregnancy as recommended by guidelines. 46

           ACR recommends the initiation of LDA in SLE patients at the beginning
           of first trimester in order to preclude or delay the onset of gestational
           hypertension in pregnancy. LDA is also safe in pregnancy as it shows
           no significant foetal outcomes e.g. small gestational age, intrauterine
           growth restriction or preterm delivery in patients taking LDA compared
           with those without LDA. 115, level II-2

           Refer to  Appendix 7  for  use  of  SLE  medication  in  pregnancy  and

           •  The CPG DG opines that all SLE patients who are pregnant especially
             those with positive aPL should be referred to the rheumatologist at
             antenatal booking.
           •  All  pregnant  SLE  patients  should  be  under  combined  care  of
             rheumatologist/physician,  feto-maternal  specialist/obstetrician  and
             family medicine specialist.
           •  Calcium supplementation is essential in pregnant SLE patients for
             pre-eclampsia prophylaxis.

           Recommendation 13
           •  The  following  medications  should  be  continued  in  systemic  lupus
             erythematosus (SLE) with pregnancy:
               hydroxychloroquine
               azathioprine
               calcineurin inhibitors
               low dose corticosteroids
           •  Low  dose  aspirin  should  be  initiated  in  all  pregnant  SLE  patients
             unless intolerance or contraindicated.

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