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              Pregnant                               you are satiated. So make sure to wait,
              Cravings are NOT the same as physical   so that you can make an accurate
              hunger so just make sure you’re        decision as to whether you are actually
              differentiating between the two.       hungry or not.

              Being used to eating more              As always, I'm here, so if you're a client
              Your body is amazingly adaptable and   and you feel hungry after following
              can learn to get used to eating less.     your full food plan, make sure to tell
              After all, we're really not meant to try   me so we can modify and think of
              to stuff a five course meal into a first   solutions! It is rare though because we
              sized belly.  So while you may not be   LOVE to FEED our clients!
              physically hungry, you may be just
              used to having more which takes some
                                                                             Good luck!

              Always remember that it takes the                                    Alice
              brain twenty minutes to process that

             Alice Hen is a Nutrition Counselor and Manager at Nu-
             trition by Tanya with 12 locations including a branch in
             Williamsburg right on Spencer street. Alice knows that       Borough Park
             making healthy choices is not always easy as she has been    Williamsburg
             through the struggle herself. As an optimistic person, Alice's   New Square
             favorite quote is: "It's never too late to start eating better. If   Five Towns
             you have a bad morning, make it a better afternoon."  For    Lakewood
             more information on Nutrition by Tanya or the TAP (Tanya     Monsey
             approved products) food line, please visit www.nutrition-    Jerusalem
    or call 844-Tanya-Diet (844-826-9234).  For      New Square
             daily tips and inspiration, follow us @nutritionbytanya on   Upstate
             Instagram. Our NEW Gluten free cookbook (and volume 1        Deal
                                               Page 3
             Cooking with Tanya) is now available at Judaica stores, our
             locations, or on our website at

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