Page 76 - 18-19_Aug 11 '21
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suppressing hormone which is usually Not eating often enough
produced in abundance at night. On our plan, a huge premise is eating
Lack of sleep also increases ghrelin, a every few hours to prevent hunger
hormone released by the stomach that (amongst other benefits). Make sure
stimulates hunger. you’re eating every 2-3 hours. Even
splitting up your meals and snacks if
you can’t eat it all at once helps.
While some usual stress is normal,
having it constantly or excessively, Not having enough vegetables or
can cause cortisol, the primary stress healthy fats
hormone to act up, which increases On our plan we recommend having a
sugar in the blood stream. Stress can fruit or a vegetable with every meal.
also cause emotional eating. Try to Vegetables are completely free and
find healthier ways to relieve stress are great fillers because of their fiber
such as exercise, a bath, etc. amounts.
Medications Nursing mothers require around 500
Some medications (such as birth extra calories per day plus a lot more
control and depression meds) can water than non nursing women. If
actually DO cause you to feel hungrier. you’re not getting these extra calories
If it is an option to switch brands you (From healthy sources), you truly may
can try that. be hungry. Combine that with lack of
sleep and you have even more reason
to feel hungry.
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Y-17 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • August 11 '21