Page 77 - 18-19_Aug 11 '21
P. 77
By: Alice Hen
Some people claim to still feel “hungry” thirst for hunger . If you weigh more
while following a healthy balanced than 150 pounds, are a man, nursing,
diet. or pregnant, you need at least 10-
12 cups of water a day. Try to drink
two cups of water before every meal,
When I hear this after a client’s first before going out to eat, before a party
week, I don’t even take it so seriously or a Simcha, and especially before
as it is a normal transition. However, resorting to a cheat.
everyone’s favorite thing about my
plan is just the opposite; the lack of
hunger. So when someone complains Lack of sleep
of this past the first week, I’m actually An adult needs AT LEAST 7 (But
very surprised and start investigating preferable to get 8-9) hours of sleep
the possible causes. every single night. Missing even one
night can affect your hunger signals.
What can it be? When you’re too tired to think clearly
you simply can’t make as good of a
Lack of Water decision on that piece of cake or those
If you aren’t drinking at least 8 cups fries. Sleep deprivation has been
of water a day, you may be mistaking shown to lower leptin, an appetite
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August 11 '21 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • Y-16