Page 80 - 18-19_Aug 11 '21
P. 80
Dunkaroos Trifles
Dessert in a cup wraps
any store-bought or 3UHSDUH WKH 'XQNDURR 7ULÀHV
homemade cinnamon cake
You can either crumble the cake
1/2 container of Funfetti vanilla into large crumbs or using a very
frosting small cookie cutter cut a two-inch
piece of cake and make it into a
colorful sprinkles circle shape.
whipped cream Place two tablespoons of vanilla
frosting into the bottom of each
Topping Spray (you could also mason jar. Then sprinkle some
use dairy) colorful sprinkles on top and add
the cake. Then add sprinkles
mini mason jars with covers and more icing until the frosting
reaches the top of the mason jar.
1 small (2-inch) cookie cutter
(optional) Top with whipped cream.
Refrigerate until serving.
Y-13 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • August 11 '21