Page 81 - 18-19_Aug 11 '21
P. 81

                           Apple Pie in a Cup

             Dessert in a cup wraps

           INGREDIENTS               DIRECTIONS
           Sautéed Apples            Prepare the Apples
                                     In a wide skillet, sauté the apples in the butter for about six
           6 tablespoons butter or   minutes.
           4 large apples, peeled and   Add sugar and cinnamon, and sauté another two minutes. Allow to
                                     cool slightly.
           cut into cubes
           5 tablespoons sugar       Prepare the Vanilla Cream
               WHDVSRRQ FLQQDPRQ     Melt white chocolate and add three-fourths cup heavy cream to
                                     form a smooth ganache. Add vanilla extract and let cool to room
           Vanilla Cream             temperature.

           7 ounces white chocolate  Beat the remaining three-fourths cup cream and gently fold into
             DQG     FXSV KHDY\      the ganache.
           cream or Non-Dairy        Prepare the Pastry Cubes
           Whipped Topping, divided  Using the dough hook on your mixer, beat the softened butter with
               WHDVSRRQ 9DQLOOD      the sugar and salt for about four minutes. Add eggs, hazelnuts,
                                     DQG ÀRXU  DQG NQHDG MXVW XQWLO D GRXJK IRUPV
                                     Refrigerate dough for one and a half hours.
           Pastry Cubes
                                     Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).
           5 tablespoons butter or   Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
           margarine, softened       2Q D ÀRXUHG VXUIDFH  UROO RXW GRXJK     LQFK  RQH FHQWLPHWHU
             DQG     WDEOHVSRRQV     thick. With a very sharp knife, cut the dough into squares
           sugar                     PHDVXULQJ     LQFK E\     LQFK  RQH FHQWLPHWHU E\ RQH
                                     centimeter). Place cubes on prepared baking sheet and bake for
           pinch of salt             about 12 minutes, or until nicely browned.
           2 small egg yolks         Assemble the Cups
               FXS JURXQG XQVDOWHG   Place two to three teaspoons (depending on the size of the cups)
           roasted hazelnuts         of the sautéed apples in the bottom of each cup. Pipe three to
           1 cup minus 4 teaspoons   four tablespoons of the vanilla cream onto the apples and top with
                                     pastry cubes.
                                     Note: Store in refrigerator for up to 48 hours (I recommend
                                     adding the pastry cubes right before serving) or freeze for up to
                                     two weeks. Serve very cold.

            August 11 '21       The Bulletin  718.387.0123  •       Y-12
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