Page 11 - ISTISNA_Neat
P. 11
Ownership of istisna asset
▪ Pending delivery of the istisna` asset, ownership
remains with the seller. Ownership of the istisna`
asset must transfer from the seller to the
purchaser upon the purchaser taking possession
Defect option (khiyar al-ayb): of the istisna` asset that meets the agreed
❑ Any defect in the istisna` asset which specifications.
occurred before the delivery of the ▪ Possession of the istisna` asset must take effect
istisna` asset but is discovered by the by the seller releasing the asset (takhliyah) to the
purchaser after the acceptance of the purchaser through any mechanism permitted by
istisna` asset must entitle the Shariah including customary business practice
purchaser to exercise the defect option. (`urf tijari) so that the purchaser would have an
❑ The defect option must entitle the access to the istisna` asset (tamkin) and would
purchaser to either: have assumed its ownership risk.
(a) terminate the istisna` contract ▪ Possession of the istisna` asset must be either in
(b) accept the defective istisna` asset, with the form of physical possession (qabd haqiqi) or
or without any variations to the terms of constructive possession (qabd hukmi).
the istisna` contract ▪ The purchaser must not sell the istisna` asset to
another party prior to taking its actual or
constructive possession