Page 14 - ISTISNA_Neat
P. 14


                                                                   Delivery of completed istisna` asset

          Change of agreed delivery                                     not in accordance with agreed                                   Failure          to      complete             and

                            period                                                    specifications                                    deliver the istisna’ asset

      ➢ Delay in the agreed delivery                                ➢ The purchaser may exercise the                                    ➢ The             seller           fails         to

               period must entitle the                                               following options:                                      complete and deliver the

             purchaser to claim actual                                 (a)reject delivery of the istisna’                                    istisna’         asset          on        the

             loss or damage from the                                        asset thereby dissolving the                                     agreed delivery date, the

               seller as a result of the                                                      contract                                       purchaser may either;

           latter’s failure to deliver on                              (b) accept delivery of the istisna                               (a) take possession of the

                               time.                                        asset at the agreed price                                          istisna’ asset on an as-is

       ➢ The purchaser may accept                                 (c) accept the delivery of the istisna’                                      basis;

             the delivery of the istisna’                            asset subject to new terms to be                                   (b)      dissolve           (fasakh)           the

               asset which meets the                                     mutually agreed upon by the                                    istisna` contract.

            agreed specifications prior                                  contracting parties such as a

           to the agreed delivery date.                                 revision to the agreed price or

                                                                   extension of time given to the seller

                                                                   to meet the agreed specifications of

                                                                                   the istisna’ asset.
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