Page 12 - ISTISNA_Neat
P. 12
Determination of price and manner price
is paid Revision to the agreed price
❖ Price of the istisna` asset must be ❖ The agreed price of the istisna’ asset may be
determined by mutual agreement of the revised after entering into the istisna’ contract
contracting parties (agreed price) at and before delivery of the istisna’ asset to the
the time of entering into the istisna` purchaser due to:
contract. (a) a reduction in the cost of constructing,
❖ The price may be: building or manufacturing of the istisna’ asset.
(a) expressed in monetary value, in kind (b) an increase in the cost of constructing,
or other forms of valuable consideration building or manufacturing of the istisna` asset.
(b) paid at any time and in any form such (c) the purchaser requests for a change in the
as spot, progressive or deferred either by agreed specifications of the istisna` asset.
instalments or bullet payments subject to
the agreement of the contracting parties.