Page 353 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 353

320 SECTION | III Nanoparticles, Radiation and Carcinogens                   12          (by BET surface area) Aluminum powder as-received
                                             Laser diffraction sizing data from nominally 83nm


                                8                                            Rel volume % curve
                              Relative %  6  Rel number % curve

                                                             Rel area % curve

                                 0.10           0.1             1             10             100
                                                      Particle diameter (microns)
             FIGURE 18.1 An example of relative abundance of particulate sizes in a sample.

             manageable, exposures and effects, and are therefore  dependent on multiple physical chemical factors other
             expected to cause insignificant adverse health effects;  than the familiar mass or concentration used in traditional
             however, these assumptions may be difficult to substanti-  toxicology. Another significant challenge is the dynamic
             ate based on traditional assessment methods because the  nature of the physicochemical characteristics of materials
             effects of ENMs may be unique, product-specific, and  at the nanoscale, which often change over time, and as a
             unpredictable from data derived from larger particles or  consequence of interaction with biological systems.
             from chemicals in solution (Hoet et al., 2004; Tsuji et al.,  (Maynard et al., 2011). The specific changes that occur
             2006). Studies have shown that some ENMs are not inher-  and their implications for biological interaction depends
             ently benign and that they may distribute throughout the  on the specific nanomaterial. Metal oxide nanoparticles,
             body, inducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and other  e.g., may aggregate and agglomerate without significant
             adverse effects (Nel et al., 2006). The results of studies  reduction of the total surface area of the agglomerate, but
             demonstrating ENM adverse effects should, however, be  it may limit interaction with internal surfaces of the
             interpreted with caution, especially when very high exper-  agglomerate to substances that are small enough to pene-
             imental doses are used that may not represent realistic  trate the agglomerate (Pickrell et al., 2010). Thus, unique
             exposure scenarios. Meaningful risk assessments should  effects, associated with repeated and combined exposures,
             address questions related to the identification of hazards,  are expected to emerge. The formation of reactive oxygen
             exposure assessment, and toxicokinetics including persis-  species and resulting oxidative stress has emerged as an
             tence in cells and subcellular structures (Oberdo ¨rster,  important mechanism of toxicity of nanomaterials. The
             2010). Assuming public acceptance, a toxicologist’s expe-  specific mechanisms of free radical formation and oxida-
             rience with past “miracle” materials advises us that cau-  tive stress effects are, however, difficult to study in detail
             tion in using novel substances without fully evaluating  in vivo, and much of the current knowledge are derived
             potential health risks may be ill advised (Hoet et al.,  from cell culture studies. Factors that appear to influence
             2004; Tsuji et al., 2006). The discovery of serious adverse  free radical formation include particle size, shape, aggre-
             health effects, such as asbestos-like effects associated  gation and surface chemistry, particle dissolution rate,
             with multiwalled carbon nanotubes, has prompted nano-  release of metal ions and oxides, UV light activation, and
             toxicologists to recommend heightened caution in the  cellular environment factors such as pH and inflammatory
             release of ENMs until more adequate information    responses (Fu et al., 2014). The complexity and multidi-
             becomes available (Oberdo ¨rster, 2010). Moving forward,  mensional nature of nanomaterial toxicity makes it neces-
             the field of nanotoxicology is faced with many chal-  sary  to  follow  a  comprehensive  approach  when
             lenges, including the need to modify our understanding of  performing nanotoxicity assessments, including physical
             the concept of “dose,” which, at the nanoscale level, is  characterization  of  nanomaterials,  and  studies  to
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