Page 354 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 354

Toxicity of Nanomaterials Chapter | 18  321  determine nanomaterial behavior at cellular and organis-  chemicals will slow solvation (Powers et al., 2006).
                                                                Solubility of ENMs is inversely correlated with their bio-
             mal levels (Caballero-Diaz and Cases, 2016).
                                                                persistence. Since solubility and chemical reactivity are
             NANOMATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION                     strongly dependent on the physical chemical environ-
                                                                ment, they should be measured in an environment as near
             The unusual physicochemical properties of ENMs are  to that of the target biological environment as possible.
             attributable to their morphology, composition, and surface  This can sometimes be accomplished with in vitro condi-
             characteristics. In an effort to standardize the description of  tions closely simulating biological solutions (Powers
             nanomaterials in a way that will reduce uncertainty in data  et al., 2006). Specific interactions may be present in bio-
             interpretation and facilitate cross-comparison between studies,  logical fluids that are absent in simple solvents. For
             the Minimum Information on Nanoparticle Characterization  example, when determining solubility and reactivity in
             (MINChar) initiative (MINChar Initiative, 2008) identified a  the lung, it is important to consider not just solubility in
             list of parameters that should ideally be characterized during  water, but in fluids that bear significant resemblance to
             studies. The parameters include particle size and size distribu-  that of the epithelial lining fluid (ELF). A minimal ELF
             tion, agglomeration state and aggregation, particle shape,  volume is predicted at 40 100 mL for mature humans.
             chemical composition, crystal structure, surface composition,  The pH varies from 6.9 at the end of inspiration, to 7.5 at
             purity and levels of impurities, surface area, surface chemistry  the end of expiration. Bicarbonate acts as a buffer, and
             (including reactivity and hydrophobicity), and surface charge.  the change in pH is caused by removing CO 2 of expira-
             It was also recognized that the characteristics of ENMs may  tion (Langmuir, 1965). Bicarbonate concentration in lung
             not be stable during storage, handling, preparation, and deliv-  simulant fluid increases the solubility of MgO (Pickrell
             ery into biological systems. Since the media used for delivery  et al., 2009). Surprisingly, macrocrystalline (bulk) MgO is
             may change ENM properties, particular emphasis should be  dissolved as extensively as nanosized MgO in lung stimu-
             placed on characterization of ENMs “as administered.” It was  lant fluids in about 10 20 min (Pickrell et al., 2009).
             also recommended that responses should be interpreted against  This paradoxical result suggests that bicarbonate chemical
             a range of dose metrics, including mass, surface area, and  activity may have a direct relation to the rapid dissolution
             number concentration.                              of MgO in lung simulant fluid related to its modest solu-
                Particles or particle agglomerates are usually not per-  bility in distilled water. Stoichiometry of the likely chemi-
             fect spheres and are almost never singly dispersed.  cal species suggests a conversion of MgO to Mg (OH) 2 in
             However, particle size is most often defined as the diame-  aqueous media and a subsequent conversion to the
             ter of a sphere that is equivalent in the selected property  hydrated carbonate (Langmuir, 1965; Pickrell et al.,
             to the particle measured; this makes it possible to conve-  2010). These phenomena serve to illustrate the potential
             niently plot size distributions of irregularly shaped parti-  error associated with studies conducted in simple solu-
             cles or particle-agglomerates using a single value  tions when attempting to predict activity in complex bio-
             (diameter) along a single axis. The properties most often  logical systems.
             described are volume or mass; i.e., the diameter of a
             sphere of equal volume or mass to the particle(s) in ques-
             tion (volume or mass diameter).                    ANIMAL OR TISSUE EXPOSURES
                The changes in ENM surface characteristics following
                                                                In Vitro Exposures to Nanomaterials
             delivery into a biological system are of particular impor-
             tance when biological interactions are assessed. Proteins  Early indicators for ENP-derived adverse health effects
             attach selectively to nanoparticle surfaces to form  were needed for an adequate assessment cytotoxicity of
             nanoparticle-protein coronas. This process, which depends  different types of well characterized ENPs; cytotoxicity
             on the adsorption properties of nanomaterial surfaces (Xia  was used to infer relative risk (Brunner et al., 2006). For
             et al., 2010), can dramatically change particle surface  this purpose, the authors chose a mesothelioma and a
             characteristics and, consequently, interactions with bio-  fibroblast cell line. Two assays were performed. The first
             logical systems. Combination with biological macromole-  was mean culture activity, indicated by mitochondrial
             cules may both detoxify nanomaterials, and promote  activity in converting a formazan type of dye from its leu-
             uptake into cells that can reduce clearance and lead to  koform to an active dye. In addition, DNA content, indi-
             chronic, degenerative changes.                     cating cell number was measured (Brunner et al., 2006).
                Solubility can be an important determinant of biologi-  Other than the positive asbestos control, none had .20%
             cal response. Solubility is a function of chemical activity,  of the particles larger than 200 nm. Specific surface area
             specific surface area, radius and curvature, agglomeration  was also higher than the asbestos positive control
             and specific chemicals that are adsorbed to the ENM  (90 190 m /g vs the 8.5 m /g of the asbestos). Mass
             (Borm et al., 2006). Larger, more densely aggregated par-  median sizes were 20 50 nm and surface area median
             ticles will dissolve more slowly. Adsorbed organic  sizes were 6 21 nm, although they differed in terms of
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