Page 356 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 356

Toxicity of Nanomaterials Chapter | 18  323  INTRANASAL EXPOSURE                              Current understanding implies that the small particles
                                                                released from heated PTFE rapidly condense into larger
             High doses of carbon black, given intranasally, showed
                                                                and less biologically potent particles (Lee and Seidel,
             adjuvant activity as indicated by enlargement of peribron-
                                                                1991). Aged particles collected as agglomerates were not
             chial lymph nodes and ovalbumin specific production of
                                                                toxic when given intratracheally to rats, but the particles
             thymocyte (Th) 2 specific IL4, IL5, and IL10. Local cyto-
                                                                became toxic when rats were given inhalation exposure to
             kine production after carbon black exposure is predictive
                                                                fumes evolved from the reheated agglomerate. Rats died
             of allergic airway inflammation (De Haar et al., 2005).
                                                                with pulmonary edema and hemorrhage reflecting Type I
                                                                pneumocyte damage (Lee and Seidel, 1991).
                                                                EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA
             Both particle size and solubility are important determi-
             nants of biological response after lung exposure. If  Epidemiological studies show an association between par-
             cleared rapidly they will be less injurious; if not they will  ticulate air pollution and acute mortality and morbidity
             remain as a chronic irritating source (Pickrell et al., 2004,  down to ambient particle concentrations below 100 μg/
             2009). Particles must be small enough to be inhaled into  m . Whether this association also indicates causality
             deep lung—usually taken to be , 4 μm (4000 nm).    between acute health effects and particle exposure at
             Particles between 4000 and 500 nm will be phagocytized  these low levels is still unclear, but several examples of
             and cleared rapidly. Particles , 500 nm aggregate size  associations between particulate air pollution and adverse
             will be less efficiently phagocytized by phagocytes and  health effects are available, and it suggests a high proba-
             may translocate to the pulmonary interstitium and remain  bility that a cause and effect relationship exists.
             there for relatively long periods of time. For example, in
             a recent study of fullerene particles with a geometric  Sulfur Dioxide (Oxides of Sulfur Particles)
             mean diameter of 96 nm (based on number) in rat lungs,
             it was estimated that .99% of particles remaining in the  Sulfur dioxide (oxide of sulfur particles) comes mainly
             lung 6 months after exposure were in the interstitium,  from burning sulfur containing fuels (Sullivan et al.,
             while particles that did not enter the interstitium were  2006), causing both indoor and outdoor pollution. For
             cleared by alveolar macrophages relatively rapidly with a  example, poorly ventilated kerosene space heaters are
             half-life of 15 24 days (Shinohara et al., 2010).  sources of indoor sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide particles
                Thermodegradation products of polytetrafluoroethy-  are hygroscopic and tend to grow larger with increasing
             lene (PTFE) contain singlet ultrafine particles (median  hydration of the atmosphere (Sullivan et al., 2006).
             diameter 26 nm); the fumes are toxic to rats at inhaled  Nasal breathing filters out much of the inhaled sulfur
             concentrations of 0.7 1.0 3 10 particles/cm . Inhalation  dioxide; it is water-soluble and is often absorbed in the
             studies with ultrafine particles ( 100 nm; NP) in rats  upper portion of the respiratory tract (Sullivan et al.,
             suggest that particles  50 nm in diameter, may contribute  2006). Sulfur dioxide is irritating to the eyes, nose and
             to increased mortality and morbidity. Inhalation exposure  airways, and its odor is detected at concentrations as low
             rats caused an acute hemorrhagic pulmonary inflamma-  as 0.5 ppm. At .6 ppm, companion animals often show
             tion and death after 10 30 min (Oberdo ¨rster et al., 1995).  acute clinical signs including tearing, runny nose, cough,
             These results confirmed reports from other laboratories  bronchospasm, and shortness of breath. Additional
             that the toxicity of PTFE fumes should not be attributed  chronic signs that come from prolonged exposure at lower
             only to gas-phase components of these fumes. Aging of  exposure concentrations include cough, mucus hyperse-
             PTFE fumes with concomitant aggregation of the ultrafine  cretion, and frequent clearing of the throat; these reflect
             particles greatly decreases their toxicity (Oberdo ¨rster  airway inflammation and chronic bronchitis. Massive
             et al., 1995).                                     exposure is capable of inducing severe, permanent pulmo-
                Fumes from overheated Teflon (PTFE)-coated frying  nary damage (Sullivan et al., 2006). Low level prolonged
             pans cause a fatal hemorrhagic pneumonitis in caged birds  human exposures correlate well with bronchial asthma.
             directly adjacent in both time and space to the overheat-
             ing (Blandford et al., 1975). Birds appear to be more sen-  Swine Barn Dust Exposure
             sitive than rats and humans to direct inhalation of Teflon
             fumes from overheated skillets; this sensitivity probably  Gases and/or ultrafine particles in swine barns can be
             reflects their physiologically more efficient respiratory  important factors in the development of increased bron-
             system. When birds are removed from the overheating  chial responsiveness both in animals and their human
             event by a short period of time, or when birds are in an  caretakers. For example, healthy human volunteers weigh-
             adjacent room, there is a comparatively minimal reaction.  ing pigs for 3 h developed a neutrophilic pneumonitis,
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