Page 21 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
P. 21

Applied Physiology of Body Fluids in Dogs and Cats  11

              One of the most commonly used formulas for calculat-  Therefore:
            ing the osmolality of serum is: 48
                                                                                        2½Na þŠ þ 2½K þŠ
                                               ½glucoseŠ  ½BUNŠ                     þ          e        e
                                      þ    þ                           2   plasma Na Š
            ECF osmolality mOsm=kgÞ ¼ 2Na Š þ K ŠÞ þ  þ
                                                 18     2:8                                   TBW
              In all formulas, Na and K are measured in millimoles
                                                                                      2½Na þŠ þ 2½K þŠ e
            tribution of Cl and HCO 3   is estimated by multiplying the  plasma Na Š
            major cations by 2, assuming the serum must remain elec-                         TBW
            trically neutral. The concentrations of glucose and blood  This relationship is represented graphically in Figure
            urea nitrogen (BUN) are divided by 18 and 2.8, respec-  14,49
                                                                1-4.     Examination of Figure 1-4 shows that when
            tively, to convert milligram per deciliter to millimoles
                                                                total exchangeable Na increases, serum sodium concen-
            per liter (The molecular weight of glucose is 180 and the              49
                                                                tration also increases,  and these changes are usually
            molecular weight of urea is 28, and there are 10 dL/L).
                                                                associated with body fluid hypertonicity. A decrease in
              Several other formulas have been suggested for estima-
                                                                total exchangeable Na þ  or K þ  is associated with
            tion (calculated osmolality) of the true serum osmolality
                                                                hyponatremia, a decrease in plasma osmolality, and hypo-
            (measured osmolality). These formulas vary based on
                                                                tonicity. The effect of a decrease in total exchangeable K þ
            which major solutes are included and whether constants
                                                                on serum [Na ] is not intuitively obvious but is clinically
            are added to estimate the effects of other solutes. Includ-  49
                                                                important.  A decrease in serum [K ] results in a shift of
            ing K is a more accurate estimate of measured osmolal-
                                                                K out of cells. To maintain electroneutrality, Na shifts
            ity. Remember, in all formulas, Na and K are measured
                                                                into cells, thus causing hyponatremia.
            in millimoles per liter or milliequivalents per liter. If
                                                                   Serum (and therefore ECF) osmolality in dogs is
            glucose and BUN are measured in milligrams per decili-
                                                                approximately 300 mOsm/kg, and fluids with effective
            ter, the conversion factor is included in the formula. If
                                                                osmolalities greater than 300 mOsm/kg are hypertonic
            glucose and BUN are measured in millimoles per liter,
                                                                to plasma, whereas those with effective osmolalities less
            delete the conversion factor (see later discussion). Alter-
                                                                than 300 mOsm/kg are hypotonic to plasma. Those with
            nate formulas are listed in the second edition of this book.
                                                                effective osmolalities of 300 mOsm/kg are isotonic to
              Not all potentially osmotic substances are osmotically  plasma. In health, addition or loss of fluid or solute to
            active in body fluids. Cell membranes are permeable to  or from the body results in alterations in body fluid space
            urea and K ; therefore, these solutes are ineffective  volumes and tonicity. These alterations elicit homeostatic
            osmoles. Effective osmolality (tonicity) is calculated as: 48
                                                                shifts of fluid between compartments so that fluid spaces
                                                                return to isotonicity (see Chapter 3).
                                                 ½glucoseŠ         In most disease states, fluid and solutes initially are lost
               Effective ECF osmolality ¼ 2   Na þ
                                                   18           from the ECF. Three basic types of fluid and solute loss
                                                                may occur: solute in excess of water (loss of hypertonic
              In healthy dogs and cats, the contribution of glucose  fluids), isotonic loss (loss of isotonic fluids), or water in
            to the effective osmolality of the ECF is small (about 4  excessofsolute(lossofhypotonicfluids)(Table1-4). Sol-
            to 6 mOsm/kg) based on blood glucose concentrations  ute and water losses theoretically may occur in any propor-
            of 70 to 110 mg/dL. Therefore, 2   [Na ] is a good  tion along the continuum between solute loss with no
            approximation of the ECF effective osmolality.      waterloss (e.g., peritonealdialysiswith a salt-poor solution)
              All body fluid spaces are isotonic with one another.  and water loss with no solute loss (e.g., water deprivation).
            Thus, the effective osmolality of the ICF also may be  When solute is lost in excess of water (hypertonic fluid
            estimated by doubling the ECF Na þ  concentration,  loss), the osmolality of the ECF decreases relative to that
            [Na ],eventhoughtheNa concentrationinICFissmall.    of the ICF. This could be seen in oozing of serum from
            Because all body fluid spaces are isotonic, the tonicity of  the skin of burn patients, which occurs much more
            total body water also may be approximated by doubling  commonly in human medicine than in veterinary
            the plasma [Na ]. The tonicity of total body water also  medicine. Water passes from the ECF through the cell
            maybeexpressedastheratioofthesumofallexchangeable   membrane to the ICF, thus diluting the ICF solute until
            cations and all exchangeable anions to the volume of total  the effective osmolalities of ECF and ICF are again equal.
            body water. Exchangeable ions (denoted by the subscript  The osmolalities of both ICF and ECF decrease. This
            letter “e”) are able to move throughout the fluid compart-  homeostatic fluid shift decreases ECF volume. When
            ment. The total number of milliosmoles of exchangeable  hypertonic fluid is lost from the ECF and volume deple-
            cations and anions may be estimated from the expression:  tion occurs, homeostatic water shifts further compromise
                                                                the ECF volume and effective circulating blood volume,
                                þ        þ
                            2½Na Š þ 2½K Š                      thus compounding fluid losses.
                                  e       e
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