Page 23 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Applied Physiology of Body Fluids in Dogs and Cats  13

                                                                       Cations                 Anions
                            P cap   π p

                  Arteriole                      Venule
                                P if     π if
                                                                                               Cl  110 mEq/L
            Figure 1-5 Factors affecting fluid movement at the level of the
            capillary. P cap , Capillary hydrostatic pressure; P if , interstitial  Na  145 mEq/L
            hydrostatic pressure; p p , capillary oncotic pressure; p if , interstitial
            oncotic pressure.
                                                                                               HCO 3  21 mEq/L
            hydrostatic pressure and tissue oncotic pressure) and                              HPO 4 , H 2 PO 4  2 mEq/L
            forces that tend to retain fluid within the vascular space                         SO 4  2 mEq/L   UA
            (plasma oncotic pressure and tissue hydrostatic pressure).  K  4 mEq/L             Lactate  2 mEq/L
                                                                                               Other  3 mEq/L
            Oncotic pressure is the osmotic pressure generated by   Ca  5 mEq/L                Proteins  16 mEq/L
            plasma proteins in the vascular space. Starling’s law   Mg  2 mEq/L
            describes these relationships (Fig. 1-5):                         UA - UC = Anion gap
                                                                Figure 1-6 Relative concentrations of unmeasured anions (UAs)
                  Net filtration ¼ K f ½ðP cap   P if Þ ðp p  p if ފ  and cations (UCs) in extracellular fluid (ECF).
            where K f represents the net permeability of the capillary
                                                                between the forces favoring filtration and those favoring
            wall, P represents the hydrostatic pressure generated by
                                                                reabsorption in the capillary.
            the heart (P cap ) or tissues (P if ), and p represents the oncotic
            pressure generated by plasma proteins (p p ) or filtered  ELECTRONEUTRALITY AND
            proteins and mucopolysaccharides in the interstitium (p if ).
              The net filtration pressure in healthy capillaries is  THE ANION GAP
            about 0.3 to 0.5 mm Hg at the proximal (arteriolar)  In body fluids, the sum of all cations must equal the sum
            end of the capillary. 49  Near the venule, the forces favoring
                                                                of all anions to fulfill the law of electroneutrality. In the
            filtration are less than the forces favoring reabsorption of
                                                                clinical setting, however, all anions and cations in body
            fluid into the vascular space, because capillary hydrostatic
                                                                fluids are not routinely measured. Figure 1-6 compares
            pressure decreases along the length of the capillary, but
                                                                the concentrations of the commonly measured anions
            capillary oncotic pressure remains approximately the  and the commonly measured cations in a gamblegram.
            same. 49  Some of the fluid that is filtered into the  The commonly measured cations are Na and K , and
            interstitium at the proximal end of the capillary is  the commonly measured anions are Cl    and HCO 3  .
            reabsorbed distally; the remainder of the filtered fluid is
                                                                The sum of the concentrations of commonly measured
            transported by lymphatics in the interstitium. The hydro-  anions is less than the sum of the concentrations of com-
            static pressure transferred from arterioles to the capillaries  monly measured cations. In other words, there are more
            is controlled by autoregulation of the precapillary sphinc-  unmeasured anions (UAs) than unmeasured cations
            ter. Autoregulation protects the capillary from increases  (UCs). From this observation, the concept of the anion
            in hydrostatic pressure caused by systemic hypertension,  gap was developed. It is important to remember that
            which otherwise could cause a dangerous loss of vascular  there is no real difference between the total number of
            fluid into the ISF by filtration.
                                                                anions and the total number of cations in the body.
              During water depletion, capillary oncotic pressure
                                                                In the clinical setting, the anion gap is used to predict
            increases and hydrostatic pressure may decrease if deple-
                                                                changes in the UAs or less commonly in the UCs.
            tion is severe enough to cause hypovolemia. These
                                                                   The anion gap is defined as the difference between
            alterations in Starling’s forces favor a decrease in net filtra-
                                                                the UAs and the UCs. According to the law of
            tion of fluid into the interstitium at the level of the capil-
            lary. Increased reabsorption of ISF augments effective
            circulating blood volume, thus decreasing plasma protein   Na þ K þ UC ¼ Cl þ HCO þ UA

            concentration and increasing hydrostatic pressure. Con-                                3
            versely, loss of plasma protein decreases plasma oncotic
                                                                Rearranging this equation,
            pressure and increases the net force favoring filtration
            of fluid out of the capillary. Loss of intravascular fluid
                                                                 ðNa K Þ ðCl þ HCO 3  Þ ¼ UA   UC ¼ anion gap

            increases plasma oncotic pressure, but filtration of fluid
            into the interstitium produces the edema observed in
            hypoproteinemic states. Thus, in the healthy animal,   The range for the normal anion gap varies by species
            maintenance of plasma volume depends on a fine balance  and is approximately 12 to 24 mEq/L in dogs and 13
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