Page 24 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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            to 27 mEq/L in cats (see Chapter 9). The average anion  gap vary with the formula used to calculate osmolality.
            gap in dogs is 18 to 19 mEq/L 11  and in cats is approxi-  Numerous formulas have been derived to calculate serum
            mately 24 mEq/L. 32  The higher average anion gap in  osmolality (see earlier section on exchange of water
            cats suggests a higher net charge on proteins in this spe-  between ICF and ECF spaces).
            cies. Younger animals may have a lower anion gap. Little  One of the most commonly used formulas to estimate
            information on variations in anion gap in pediatric small  osmolality is:
            animal patients is available. In 3-day-old puppies, how-
            ever, anion gap values were reported to be approximately           þ    þ    glucose  BUN
            16 mEq/L in one study, 37  suggesting that anion gaps in       2Na þ Kð   Þ þ  18   þ  2:8
            neonatal puppies are within the reference ranges for
            adults.                                                Some laboratories report a calculated osmolality based
               The primary usefulness of the anion gap is to detect an  on these various formulas because it is easy to program
            increase in UAs as an aid in the diagnosis of metabolic aci-  the analyzer to perform the calculation. These are
            dosis. Clinically relevant changes in the anion gap usually  estimates of the actual osmolality, which must be
            are from changes in UAs, and most of these changes are  measured using an osmometer. Serum osmolality most
            caused by increases in UAs associated with organic acids.  frequently is measured by freezing-point depression.
            For example, the ketoacidosis that occurs in some dia-  Measured osmolality is higher than calculated osmolality
            betic patients causes an increase in UAs, resulting in an  because Osm m measures all osmotically active solutes,
            increase in the anion gap. Similarly, the increased UAs  whereas the formulas used for Osm c do not account for
            that occur with ethylene glycol intoxication result in an  all osmotically active solutes in serum. The difference
            increased anion gap. The derivation and clinical applica-  (gap) between the measured (actual) and calculated
            tion of the principle of the anion gap are discussed further  (estimated) osmolality is called the osmolal gap.
            in Chapters 9 and 10.                                  Calculation of the osmolal gap is most helpful when
                                                                 unsuspected osmoles are present in ECF, thus increasing
            THE OSMOLAL GAP                                      the osmolal gap as a result of an increase in the measured
                                                                 but not the calculated osmolality (e.g., ethylene glycol
            The osmolal gap is defined as the difference between the  poisoning), and when assessing the significance of the
            measured and the calculated serum osmolalities:      serum Na concentration (see Chapter 3). During the
                                                                 acute stage (6 to 12 hours after exposure) of ethylene gly-
                                                                 col toxicity, the osmolal gap is increased. This increased
                       Osmolal gap ¼ Osm m   Osm c
                                                                 osmolal gap could be helpful in the diagnosis of ethylene
               Reference values for osmolal gaps in dogs are given in  glycol toxicity if a measured osmolality is requested.
            Table 1-5. Data for osmolal gaps in cats are not reported  Hyponatremia with a normal osmolal gap suggests
            in the literature. Attempts to derive osmolal gaps from  dilutional hyponatremia (e.g., overhydration). This rules
            published data on measured serum osmolalities and elec-  out the presence of abnormal osmotically active particles
            trolyte concentrations in cats have yielded confusing  that could cause a shift of water from ICF to ECF, thus
            results (see footnote to Table 1-5). Values for the osmolal  decreasing the serum sodium concentration. The osmolal
                                                                 gap is discussed further in Chapter 3.

               TABLE 1-5       Reference Ranges for              HOMEOSTASIS: ZERO
                               Osmolal Gap                       BALANCE
            Species   Osmolal Gap (mOsm/kg)       Reference      In the healthy adult animal at rest in a thermoneutral
                                                                 environment, the daily intake of water, nutrients, and
            Dog       10   6                      Grauer 15      minerals is balanced by daily excretion of these substances
            Dog       10.1   5.9                  Hauptman 20    or their metabolic by-products. Thus, in this homeostatic
            Dog       0-10                        Shull 53       state, the animal does not experience a net gain or loss of
            Dog       5   6                       Burkitt 7      water, nutrients, or minerals and is said to be in zero bal-
                                                                 ance. In a sedentary dog or cat in a thermoneutral
            Serum osmolality values in normal cats were reported to be approximately
            308   5 mOsm/kg (Chew et al ). When mean values for serum Na  environment, obligatory daily losses of water occur
            (155 mEq/L), K (4 mEq/L), glucose (120 mg/dL), and blood urea  (Fig. 1-7). Input is equal to output in zero balance,
            nitrogen (BUN; 24 mg/dL) are substituted into the equation  and the volume of water added to body fluids by food
            2(Na þ K) þ glucose/18 þ BUN/2.8, a value of 333 mOsm/kg is  and water consumption and by metabolism is equal to
            obtained for cats. Calculated plasma osmolality values greater than  the volume of water lost in urine, feces, and saliva (i.e.,
            measured values have generally been attributed to laboratory error.
            Why calculated plasma osmolality exceeds measured plasma osmolality  sensible water loss) and evaporation from cutaneous
            using mean values from normal cats is unclear.       and respiratory epithelia (i.e., insensible water loss).
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