Page 20 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
P. 20


             Molar mass of CaCl 2 :                          111.1 g
             Convert grams to moles:                         100 g CaCl 2   (1 mol/111.1 g) ¼ 0.9 mol CaCl 2
             Convert moles to millimoles                     0.9 mol   (1000 mmol/mol) ¼ 900 mmol CaCl 2

             Determine millimoles of Ca þ2  and Cl :         CaCl 2 in solution dissociates into Ca þ2  and 2Cl, yielding
                                                              900 mmol/L of Ca þ2  and 1800 mmol/L of Cl
             Determine milliequivalents of Ca þ2  and Cl     millimoles   valence ¼ milliequivalents
                                                              Ca þ2  has a valence of 2; Cl has a valence of 1

                                                              900 mmol Ca þ2    2 ¼ 1800 mEq of Ca þ2

                                                              1800 mmol Cl   1 ¼ 1800 mEq of Cl
             Determine milliosmoles of Ca þ2  and Cl :       CaCl 2 in solution dissociates into Ca þ2  þ 2Cl

                                                               mOsm/L in 10% CaCl 2 is the sum of the milliosmoles for
                                                              each component:
                                                              1800 mEq/L Ca þ2  þ 1800 mEq/L Cl
                                                              900 mOsm/L Ca þ2  þ 1800 mOsm/L Cl
                                                              ¼ 2700 mOsm/L

            Osmolal Gap                                          serum. Larger molecules like albumin contribute little
            Osmolal gap is the difference between measured osmolal-  to the osmolality.
            ity and calculated osmolality.                         As mentioned above, osmotic activity depends on the
                                                                 solute and its permeability across the membrane. Sodium
            Colloid Osmotic Pressure (Oncotic Pressure)          is the most abundant cation in the ECF. Although there is
                                                                 variation among different types of cells, many cell
            Colloids are large molecular weight (MW ¼ 30,000)    membranes are impermeable to sodium. Sodium move-
            particles present in a solution. The component of the  ment across most cell membranes occurs by active
            total osmotic pressure in plasma contributed by colloids  transport. Consequently, Na and its associated anions
            is called the colloid osmotic pressure (oncotic pressure).
                                                                 account for most of the osmotically active particles in
            Plasma proteins are the major colloids present in normal
                                                                 the ECF and as such are considered effective osmoles.
            plasma. Although colloid osmotic pressure is only about
                                                                   Glucose and urea are two other substances with poten-
            0.5% of the total osmotic pressure, oncotic pressure is
                                                                 tial osmotic activity. Many cell membranes are not freely
            extremely important in transcapillary fluid dynamics.
                                                                 permeable to glucose, in which case glucose would be
            Oncotic pressure can be measured using a colloid
                                                                 osmotically active. In contrast, urea does not make a
            osmometer (oncometer).
                                                                 major contribution to effective osmolality in the ECF
               Several examples related to fluid therapy are included  because it is a small molecule that is freely diffusible across
            here to illustrate how these definitions may be used in  most cell membranes. However, urea may have an impact
            clinical veterinary medicine.
                                                                 on serum osmolality if its concentration is increased.
                                                                   Osmolality of the ECF may be estimated using various
            EXCHANGE OF WATER                                    formulas. This is called the calculated osmolality because
            BETWEEN EXTRACELLULAR                                it is based on estimating the contribution of osmotically
                                                                 active substances. Calculated osmolality by itself is not
            AND INTRACELLULAR FLUID                              very useful because it is simply an estimate based on the
            SPACES                                               concentration of commonly measured solutes. Calculated
                                                                 osmolality, which is an estimate, may not be the same as
            The number of osmotically active particles in each space  measured osmolality, which is determined by an
            determines the volume of fluid in the ECF and ICF    osmometer.
            compartments. The osmolality of physiologic fluids is  The formulas for calculated osmolality include various
            dominated by small solutes that are present in high  combinations of the most osmotically active solutes, but
            concentrations. In serum, sodium, potassium, chloride,  none includes all osmotically active solutes because not all
            bicarbonate, urea, and glucose are present in high enough  solutes are measured on routine biochemical profiles. The
            concentrations to individually affect osmolality. Together  formulas also assume complete dissociation of some
            these make up more than 95% of the total osmolality of  solutes, which may not be true in serum.
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