Page 64 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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              BOX 3-1        Causes of                           ECF, and thus one twelfth of the volume loss (¼   /3)is
                                                                 derived from the intravascular space. The oncotic
                             Hypernatremia                       pressure generated by plasma proteins favors retention
                                                                 of water within vessels, and the plasma compartment
               Pure Water Deficit                                may not share proportionately in the volume loss. 41  As
               Primary hypodipsia (e.g., in miniature schnauzers)  a result of these factors, volume depletion is usually not
               Diabetes insipidus                                a clinical feature of pure water loss. It is almost impossible
                 Central                                         for a conscious animal with an intact thirst mechanism
                 Nephrogenic                                     and access to water to develop hypertonicity caused by
               High environmental temperature                    pure water loss. Thus, hypertonicity associated with pure
                                                                 water loss usually implies that water intake has been
               Inadequate access to water
               Hypotonic Fluid Loss                                Consider a normal 10-kg dog with a serum osmolality
               Extrarenal                                        of 300 mOsm/kg. We assume that TBW is 60% of body
                 Gastrointestinal                                weight, with 40% being intracellular and 20% extracellu-
                   Vomiting                                      lar, and that the major extracellular (i.e., NaCl) and intra-
                   Diarrhea                                      cellular (i.e., KCl) solutes are impermeant. The number
                   Small intestinal obstruction                  of osmoles of solute in ECF would be 2 L   300
                 Third-space loss
                                                                 mOsm/kg ¼ 600 mOsm, and the number in ICF would
                   Pancreatitis                                  be 4 L   300 mOsm/kg ¼ 1200 mOsm. Without access
                 Cutaneous                                       to drinking water, a loss of 1 L of pure water from ECF
                   Burns                                         would cause water to move from ICF to ECF so as to
               Renal                                             equalize  osmolality  between  the  compartments
                 Osmotic diuresis                                according to the following equation:
                   Diabetes mellitus
                   Mannitol infusion                                 New ECF osmolality ¼ new ICF osmolality
                 Chemical diuretics                                 600 mOsm= 1 þ xÞ L ¼ 1200 mOsm=ð4   xÞL
                 Chronic renal failure                                         ð
                 Nonoliguric acute renal failure
                 Postobstructive diuresis                        where x is the volume of water moving between
               Impermeant Solute Gain
               Salt poisoning
                                                                             600ð4   xÞ¼ 1200ð1   xÞ
               Hypertonic fluid administration
                 Hypertonic saline                                                    x ¼ 0:67 L
                 Sodium bicarbonate
                 Parenteral nutrition                            The new volumes and osmolalities are:
                 Sodium phosphate enema
               Hyperaldosteronism                                  ECF :  600 mOsm=1:67 L     ¼   360 mOsm=kg
                                                                   ICF :  1200 mOsm=3:33 L    ¼   360 mOsm=kg
            of hypotonic fluids, or gain of sodium can cause hyperto-  Note that the intracellular compartment has lost an
            nicity of the ECF and hypernatremia. The causes of   amount equal to two thirds of the water deficit
            hypernatremia are listed in Box 3-1, and the clinical  (0.67 L) and that the final ECF volume (1.67 L) is lower
            approach to the patient with hypernatremia is outlined  than the original volume (2 L) by an amount equal to one
            in Figure 3-7.                                       third of the total water deficit (0.33 L). Thus, the two
                                                                 compartments have shared proportionately in the water
            PURE WATER LOSS                                      loss. These changes are depicted in Figure 3-8.
            When a deficit of pure water develops, the ECF becomes  Development of a pure water deficit is uncommon in
            hypertonic in relation to the intracellular fluid (ICF), and  small animal medicine. The main causes of hypertonicity
            osmotic forces cause movement of water from the intra-  related to pure water deficit are hypodipsia, caused by
            cellular to the extracellular compartment. The result is  neurologic disease, and diabetes insipidus, which
            that the volume loss is shared proportionately between  represents abnormal renal loss of water. Other causes of
            the extracellular and intracellular compartments. Approx-  pure water deficit include respiratory losses during expo-
            imately two thirds of the volume loss comes from the  sure to high environmental temperature (e.g., panting),
            intracellular compartment and one third from the extra-  fever, and inadequate access to water (e.g., frozen water
            cellular compartment. Plasma volume is one fourth of the  bowl, inattentive owner).
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