Page 304 - Feline Cardiology
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312  Section H: Arterial Thromboembolism

                Box 20.1.  Treatment	of	life-threatening	hyperkalemia	(reperfusion	injury)

                Drug                       Dose                                                      Onset	of	action

                10%	calcium	gluconate      0.5–1.5	ml/kg	IV	slowly	over	5–10	minutes                 3–5	minutes
                Sodium	bicarbonate         1–2	mEq/kg	IV	slowly	over	15	minutes                      15	minutes
                25%	dextrose               0.7–1	g/kg	IV	over	3–5	minutes                            <1	hour
                25%	dextrose	with	insulin  Regular	insulin	at	0.5	U/kg	IV	with	dextrose	at	2	g/U	of	insulin	administered  30	minutes

                Modified	from:	Riordan	LL,	Schaer	M.	Potassium	disorders.	In:	Small	Animal	Critical	Care	Medicine,	Silverstein	DS,	Hopper	K,	eds.	St.	Louis,	Saunders
                Elsevier,	2009.

              and  acidosis.  It  is  a  life-threatening  condition  that   ated to evaluate efficacy of t-PA in cats with ATE was
              usually occurs hours to several days after the embolic   terminated due to a high frequency of adverse outcomes
              event due to systemic release of the metabolic byprod-  (Welch et al. 2010). Adverse effects were seen in 100%
              ucts  associated  with  ischemia.  Treatment  should  be   of treated cats (11/11) including azotemia (n = 5), neu-
              aggressive  and  immediate.  Hyperkalemia  can  be
                                                                 rological  signs  (n = 5),  cardiac  arrhythmias  (n = 5),
        Arterial Thromboembolism  glucose to drive K+ intracellularly. If a secondary brady-  death  (n = 1).  Twenty-seven  percent  (n = 3)  of  t-PA
              addressed  with  calcium  gluconate  and/or  insulin  and
                                                                 hyperkalemica  (n = 4)  acidosis  (n = 2)  and  sudden
              cardia  is  present,  atropine  may  be  indicated.  Fluid
                                                                 treated ATE cats in this study were ultimately discharged
              therapy with sodium bicarbonate is warranted to address
                                                                 from the hospital (Welch et al. 2010). Considering the
              metabolic acidosis. Unfortunately, the prognosis in cats
                                                                 expense involved with these therapies, their use at this
                                                                 time  is  difficult  to  justify.  Moreover,  if  thrombolytic
              that develop reperfusion syndrome is poor, and many
              cannot be rescued. See Box 20.1 for emergency therapy
                                                                 toring for acute life-threatening reperfusion syndrome
              for cats in a hyperkalemic crisis.
                 Thrombolytic therapy seems intuitive because rapid   therapy is elected, cats require intensive 24-hour moni-
                                                                 and their use should be avoided in cats with intracardiac
              resolution of the arterial occlusion theoretically would   thrombi due to risk of new embolic events as the clot
              be beneficial for the patient. However, streptokinase and   undergoes lysis.
              urokinase act by generating the nonspecific proteolytic   A  case  series  described  efficacy  of  a  commercially
              enzyme plasmin, which can lead to a generalized lytic   available rheolytic thrombectomy system in 6 ATE cats
              state with the hazard of bleeding complications. Tissue   (Reimer et al. 2006). This intravascular system mechani-
              plasminogen  activator  (t-PA)  has  a  lower  affinity  for   cally breaks down the embolus, and resulted in successful
              circulating plasminogen and does not induce a systemic   embolus dissolution in 5 of the 6 cats. However, despite
              fibrinolytic state. Rather, t-PA initiates local fibrinolysis   successful thromboembolectomy, only 3 cats survived to
              with limited systemic proteolysis. No controlled clinical   discharge  and  the  remaining  succumbed  to  systemic
              trials have evaluated the use of thrombolytic agents in   hypotension during or after the procedure. It is possible
              cats with ATE. However, in the case series that have been   that with more experience the procedure will result in
              published so far, the approach (with any of these agents)   improved success; however, at this time the expense of
              does not appear to significantly alter case outcome. In a   the procedure (similar to medical thrombolytic therapy)
              series of 46 ATE cats that were treated with streptoki-  is  difficult  to  justify  since  a  hospital  discharge  rate  of
              nase,  33%  survived  to  discharge  (Moore  et  al.  2000).   50% is similar to what is reported for cats treated con-
              Although these results were better than the 0% survival   servatively (Smith and Tobias 2004).
              noted in an older report of 8 cats treated with high dose
              streptokinase (Ramsey et al. 1996), it was still no better   Anticoagulant Therapy
              than conservative therapy. Indicators of poor outcome   Anticoagulant  therapy  has  no  effect  on  established
              were similar to other feline ATE studies (azotemia and   thrombi; however, by retarding clotting factor synthesis,
              hypothermia) while having one limb affected was asso-  or  accelerating  its  inactivation,  thrombosis  from  acti-
              ciated with better outcome (Moore et al. 2000). Similar   vated  blood-clotting  pathways  can  be  prevented.  The
              results were reported in an abstract describing the use   theoretical  aim  of  anticoagulant  therapy  in  the  acute
              of t-PA in 6 ATE cats, with 3 cats surviving to discharge   phase  is  to  prevent  or  reduce  thrombus  extension.
              from the hospital (Pion et al. 1987). Another study initi-  Heparin binds to lysine sites on plasma antithrombin,
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