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362  Section K: Heartworm Disease

                               Table 23.2.  Summary	of	reach-back	effect	of	macrolytic	lactones	on	Dirofilaria	immitis
                               (modified	from	McCall	2005)
                               Drug	(%)           Age	of	Heartworms	(Months)  #	Treatments  Efficacy

                               Ivermectin                   2                  1      100
                               	 (6	mcg/kg,	per	os,	        3                 13       97.7
                               monthly)                     4                 14       95.1–97.8
                                                            5                 31       98.7
                                                            5.5               12       52.2
                                                            7                 29       94.9
                                                            8                 16       56.3
                               Milbemycin                   2                  1       95.1
                               	 (500	mcg/kg,	per	          2                  2      100
                               os,	monthly)                 3                 13       96.7
                                                            4                 14       49.3
                                                            4                 12       41.4
                                                            4.5               12       12.7
                                                            5.5               12        1.1
                                                            6.5               12       15.9
                                                            8                 16        0
                               Selamectin                   2                  1      100
                               	 (6	mg/kg,	topically,	      3                 12       98.5
                               monthly)                    Adult              18       39.0
                               Moxidectin                   2                  1      100
                               	 (0.5	mcg/kg,	per	os)       4                  1       85.9
      Heartworm Disease        	 (0.17	mg/kg	SC	q	        6/12/18              2       97.2
                               6	mo)
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