Page 445 - Feline Cardiology
P. 445
470 Index
Amoxicillin + clavulanate, infective HCM and, 158 Antihypertensive medications
endocarditis and, 200 hospitalized cats with, 290 hyperthyroidism and, 404
Analgesia, arterial thromboembolism and, treatment of symptomatic cats with, systemic hypertension and, 336–337
310 161 Antileukotrienes, heartworm disease and,
Anemia heart failure and, 180 360
anesthesia and exacerbation of, 415 pulmonary arterial hypertension and, 390 Antimicrobial therapy, infective
in cats with concurrent cardiac and recurrent heart failure and, 297 endocarditis and, 200
renal problems, 372 Angiotensin I, 109 Antiplatelet therapy
heart failure and, 269 converting to angiotensin II, 288 arterial thromboembolism and,
nonhemolytic, pulmonary Angiotensin receptor blockers, 289 315–317
thromboembolism and, 384t Angiotensin II, 265 abciximab, 317
premature ventricular complexes and, aldosterone release and, 329 aspirin, 315–316
229 converting angiotensin I to, 288 clopidogrel, 315, 316–317
treatment of heart failure patients with, myocardial fibrosis and, 262 combined, in cat, 319
295 Angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1R), Antisedan (atipamezole), 442
ventricular tachycardia and, 234 265 indications, dosage, available sizes, 443
Anesthesia CC polymorphism, HCM in humans Antithrombin level, pulmonary
anesthetic management of cats with and, 109 thromboembolism and, 385
shunting defects, 420 Angle correction, 52 Antithyroid therapy, 403–404
HCM and, 165 Anorexia Anti-Xa activity levels
in patient with cardiac disease “apathetic hyperthyroidism” and, 400 LMWH activity and, 318
anesthetizing fractious cat, 418 cardiac tumors and, 202 TEG vs. monitoring with, 319
ASA classification system, 412t chronic kidney disease and, 369 Aortic arch, 43, 43
cardiac disorders, functional congestive heart failure and, 268 Aortic stenosis, 85, 92–93
classification of, 412–413 furosemide therapy and, 161 defined, 92
decreased preload, 417 lower airway disease and, 25 diagnostic testing
diastolic dysfunction, 415–416 pulmonary thromboembolism and, 385 echocardiography, 93
drugs used for, 414t ANPs. See Atrial natriuretic peptides electrocardiography, 93
induction of, 416 Antiarrhythmics, 214 radiography, 93
nonpathologic murmurs, 418 HCM and, 166 differential diagnosis, 93
planning, without echocardiogram, syncope and, 17 etiology, 92
420–421 ventricular tachycardia and history and chief complaint, 93
postoperative monitoring and administration of, 235 pathophysiology, 93
recovery, 420 pitfalls to avoid, 234–235 physical examination, 93
preanesthetic preparation, 413, 415 Antibody tests, heartworm disease and, prognosis, 93
support and monitoring, 418 356, 357, 361 secondary concentric left ventricular
systolic myocardial failure and Anticoagulant therapy hypertrophy and, 121
volume overload, 416–417 aortic thromboembolism and, 436 treatment, 93
treatment, 419–420 arterial thromboembolism and, Aortic thromboembolism. See Arterial
of arrhythmias, 419–420 312–315 thromboembolism
of hypotension, 419 aspirin, 313 “Apathetic hyperthyroidism,” 400
recent, congestive heart failure and, 269 decision making relative to, 315 Apex beat, 5, 230
Anesthetic risk, heart disease severity and, long-term management, 313–315 Apoptotic cell death, within myocardium
412 low molecular weight heparin, 313 of people with HCM, 112
Angiotensin converting enzyme, 265 unfractionated (UF) heparin, 313 Appetite loss, congenital heart
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) combined therapy for arterial malformations and, 85
inhibitors, 165, 166 thromboembolism, 319 Apresoline (hydralazine), 443
anesthesia and, cautionary note, 415 congestive heart failure and, 290 indications, dosage, available sizes, 451
arrhythmogenic right ventricular medical therapy and monitoring for, Arachidonic acid, 313
cardiomyopathy and, 191 285t ARBs. See Angiotensin receptor blockers
chronic heart failure and, 293 outpatient treatment for, 284 Arginine concentrations, low, arterial
congestive heart failure and, 287–289 initiating, algorithm for describing thromboembolism and, 306
aldosterone escape, 288–289 decision making process for Arrhythmias, 213–251
drug properties, 287–288 symptomatic and asymptomatic anesthesia and treatment of, 419–410
medical therapy and monitoring, cats, 316 atrial fibrillation, 224–227
285t pulmonary thromboembolism and, 387 atrial standstill, 243
outpatient treatment, 284 restrictive cardiomyopathy and, 180 atrial tachycardia, 222–224
as standard of care, 287 Antifibrotic agents, HCM and, 159 atrioventricular block, 237–241
standard treatment, 286 Antigen testing, heartworm disease and, bundle branch blocks and fascicular
dilated cardiomyopathy and, 186, 434 356, 357, 359, 361 blocks, 241–242