Page 447 - Feline Cardiology
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472  Index

              Asthmatic airway disease, 367      physical examination for, 225   Atropine
              Asymmetrical concentric hypertrophy,   restrictive cardiomyopathy and, 179  anesthesia for cardiac patient and, 414t,
                      causes of, 121             signalment, 225                        417
              Asystole, 237                      treatment for, 226–227            hyperkalemia addressed with, 312
              AT. See Atrial tachycardia        Atrial flutter, 222                indications, dosage, available sizes, 443
              Ataxia                            Atrial lesions, premature atrial complexes   Atropine response test, second-degree AV
                heartworm disease and, 355             and, 220                         block and, 238
                systemic hypertension and, 331  Atrial natriuretic peptides, 72, 149  Auscultation
              ATE. See Arterial thromboembolism  biologic effects of, 149          approach to, 5–6
              Atenolol, 158, 413, 461            blood pressure regulation and, 330  quiet environment and, 6
                asymptomatic cats with HCM and, 156  congestive heart failure and, 282, 283  technique for slowing heart rate, 8, 8
                atrial fibrillation and, 226    Atrial premature complexes. See   Automatic atrial tachycardia, 222
                for early, compensated HCM, 434        Premature atrial complexes  Automaticity, normal SA node and, 217
                exercise intolerance and, 17    Atrial septal defects, 85, 93–95  Automatic junctional tachycardia, 222
                HCM–compensated (“asymptomatic”)   diagnostic testing            Autonomic nervous system, blood
                      and, 433                     echocardiography, 94                 pressure regulation and, 329
                for hyperthyroid cats, 404         electrocardiography, 94       Autosomal dominant traits, defined, 425
                indications, dosage, available sizes, 443  radiography, 94       Autosomal recessive traits, defined, 425
                for planned stressful events, 157  etiology, 93                  AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT),
                premature atrial complexes/atrial   gross pathology, 94                 222
                      tachycardia/atrial fibrillation   history and chief complaint, 94  A’ wave, ventricular systole, PW Doppler
                      and, 437                   pathophysiology, 93–94                 TDI and, 140
                for premature ventricular complexes/  physical examination, 94   Azithromycin, infective endocarditis and,
                      ventricular tachycardia, 437  prognosis, 95                       200
                for pulmonic stenosis, 98        signalment, 94                  Azotemia
                recurrent heart failure and, 297  syncope and, 15                  arterial thromboembolism and, 308
                references for, 465, 466–467     treatment, 95                     congestive heart failure and, 284, 295–296
                supraventricular arrhythmias and, 166  Atrial size, echocardiography and, 56, 57,   mild to moderate, 296
                symptomatic cats with HCM and heart    58t, 133, 133t               progressive, 296
                      failure, tapering of, 167  Atrial standstill (silent atrium)  functional, ACE inhibitors and, 162
                systemic hypertension and, 436   in cat with extreme left atrial   HCM and, 123, 368
                for systolic anterior motion of the    enlargement, 243            heart failure treatment and, 295
                      mitral valve with congestive   characteristics of, 243       prerenal, furosemide therapy and, 161
                      heart failure, 434        Atrial systolic filling, 112     Azotemia with isosthenuria, kidney
                for systolic anterior motion of the   Atrial tachycardia, 222–224       disease and, 336
                      mitral valve with no congestive   defined, 222
                      heart failure, 434         differential diagnosis for, 223  B
                vagal maneuvers and, 224         drugs for, 437                  B12 vitamin, plasma concentrations, and
                ventricular tachycardia and, 236  ECG monitoring for, 223               arterial thromboembolism, 306
              Atipamezole, indications, dosage, available   mechanism for, 222–223  Baby aspirin, outpatient treatment for
                      sizes, 443                 in Persian cat with unclassified       CHF and, 284
              ATP, muscle relaxation and, 107          cardiomyopathy, 222       Bachmann’s bundle, hyperkalemia and, 246
              AtraVet (acepromazine), 443        prognosis for, 224              Baermann fecal testing, dyspnea/coughing
                indications, dosage, available sizes,    treatment of, 223–224          and, 26
                      442                        vagal maneuvers and, 223, 224   Bainbridge reflex, 219
              Atrial contractility, diastolic function and,   Atrioventricular (AV) block, 237–241  Balloon valvuloplasty, for pulmonic
                      114                        causes of, 240                         stenosis, 98
              Atrial dilation, severe, anesthetic risk and,   first-degree, 237  Bartonella
                      412                        myocarditis and, 206              infective endocarditis and, 198–199
              Atrial enlargement                 second-degree, 237, 238           lymphoplasmacytic myocarditis and,
                premature atrial complexes and, 221  third degree, 238–240, 239         205
                severe HCM and, 110              treatment of, in anesthetized cat,    Bartonella vinsonii subsp., infective
              Atrial fibrillation, 114, 222, 224, 224–227  419                          endocarditis in dogs and, 198
                complications with, 227         Atrioventricular (AV) node, 217  Basophilia, heartworm disease and, 359
                diagnosis of, 225               Atrioventricular canal, 85       BBBs. See Bundle branch blocks
                dilated cardiomyopathy and, 184, 186  Atrioventricular conduction system,   Benazepril, 166, 449, 453
                drugs for, 437                         fibrosis of, HCM and, 124   congestive heart failure and, 287
                ECG and, 225–226                Atrioventricular valve malformations,   medical therapy and monitoring for,
                HCM and, 124                           tricuspid valve malformation,    285t
                history and chief complaint, 225       86–88                        outpatient treatment for, 284
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