Page 451 - Feline Cardiology
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476 Index
Congenital heart malformations, 85–99 thoracic radiography, 273–278 systemic hypertension and, 331
aortic stenosis, 92–93 troponin-I, 283–284 thoracic radiographs and
atrial septal defect, 93–95 whole blood and plasma taurine, 282 evidence of, 125
atrioventricular valve malformations: differential diagnosis, 272 severe HCM, 126
tricuspid valve malformation, ascites, 272 treatment, 284–295, 435–436
86–88 pleural effusion, 272 ACE inhibitors, 287–289
common AV canal (endocardial pulmonary edema, 272 additional medical therapies, 289
cushion defect), 95 dilated cardiomyopathy and, 186 of anemia, 295
complications and monitoring, 86 diuretic levels, 1, 2, and 3, drugs for, anticoagulant therapy, 290–293
comprehensive echocardiogram and, 435–436 diet, 289
280 diuretics and chronic kidney disease diuretic therapy, 286
cor triatrium sinister, 95–96 concurrent with, 367 furosemide, adjunctive physiologic
defined, 85 glucocorticoids and onset of, 375 effects of, 287
double chamber right ventricle, 96 HCM and, 123 furosemide, drug properties of, 286
mitral valve malformation, 88–90 HCM with pulmonary interstitial furosemide, pharmacodynamic
mitral valve stenosis, 90–91 pattern consistent with, lateral effects of, 287
overview, 85 and ventrodorsal views of cat general principles, 286
patent ductus arteriosus, 96–98 with, 45 outpatient, for mild to moderate
physical examination, 85–86 history and chief complaint, 268 heart failure, 284–286
innocent murmurs, 86 hyperthyroidism and, 400 prior to anesthesia, 413
pulmonic stenosis, pulmonary artery incidence/prevalence of, 258–259 refractory, 293–294
stenosis, 98–99 left ventricular diastolic pressure and, torsemide, 294–295
screening for, 426 114 valve regurgitation and, 195
tetralogy of Fallot, 99 medical therapy and monitoring of cats Constrictive pericarditis, 284
treatment for, 436–437 with, 285t hemodynamic abnormalities with,
ventricular septal defect, 91–92 outcome and prognosis, 297–298 347–348
Congenital pericardial diseases, 343–345 overview of, 257–258 postmortem specimen from cat with,
Congestive cardiomyopathy, 183 pathology, 266–268 348
Congestive heart failure, 115–116, 257– arterial thromboemboli and, 268 Continuous-wave Doppler
298, 437 kidneys and, 267 echocardiography, 52
acute, treatment of cats with severe left-sided, pulmonary lesions of, in cat with severe SAM of the mitral
HCM and, 162–164 266–267 valve and HCM, 136
algorithm of functional categories and right-sided, 267 congenital heart disease and, 280
etiologies of, in cats, 259 pathophysiology and gross pathology, measuring severity of left ventricular
anesthetic risk and, 412 260–266 outflow tract obstruction with,
arterial thromboembolism and, 309 diastolic heart failure, 261–263 136
in cats, description of, 43 left heart failure, 260–261 Contrast echocardiography, 65–66
compensatory mechanisms in, 265–266 left ventricular volume-overload Corlopam, indications, dosage, available
acute compensatory mechanisms, heart failure, 264–265 sizes, 449
265 low output heart failure, 261 cor pulmonale, 388, 389
chronic compensatory mechanisms, right heart failure, 261 Corticosteroids
265 systolic heart failure, 263–264 heartworm disease and, 360
chronic deleterious effects of, pericardial fluid accumulation and, 345 managing feline asthma without,
265–266 physical examination, 270–271 375–376
complications and monitoring, pleural effusion and, 22 pulmonary thromboembolism and,
295–297 precipitating factors leading to, 118, 384t
azotemia, 295–296 268–270 Cor triatriatum sinister, 95–96
electrolyte abnormalities, 296–297 pressure volume curves of cat with, 115 characteristics of, 95
recurrent heart failure, 297 refractory, 164 diagnostic testing
diagnostic testing, 273–284 renal disease with, 369–370 echocardiography, 95
arterial blood pressure, 281–282 restrictive cardiomyopathy and, 180 electrocardiography, 95
central venous pressure, 282 secondary to elevated pulmonary radiography, 95
conclusive diagnosis, 284 venous pressure, 196 differential diagnosis, 95
echocardiogram, 278–281 severe, with alveolar pulmonary pattern pathophysiology, 95
electrocardiogram, 278 consistent with, 43 physical examination, 95
general tests, 273 lateral and ventrodorsal views of cat prognosis, 96
natriuretic peptides, 282–283 with, 45 supravalvular mitral valve stenosis vs.,
pleural effusion analysis and severe HCM and, 110, 166 90
cytology, 282 signalment, 268 treatment, 95–96